


Server Issues & suggestions

PDabro opened this issue ยท 4 comments

  • effects from susceptibility (slowness & sinking) disappeared for no reason, restarting server doesn't fix the issue (server)
  • other werewolves attacks player werewolves (I don't know if it should be like that) (client and server)
  • holding silver ingot or silver ore doing nothing to me (client and server)
  • player werewolves or vampires can jump over salt line (it would be cool if the collisions reached the build limit & breaking salt line could kill infected player instantly than just hurt him) (client and server)
  • sometimes player werewolves can go sleep in full moon before transformation (server)
  • I don't know why but somehow I transformed in 2 block height area and my character bugged out by scaling to 3 block height instead to werewolf model (server)
  • blood amount bar doesn't show at animals when being a vampire (works with villagers and players) (client and server)
  • it would be cool how the texture of the hand would change during the transformation as well (client and server)

I love this mod, keep up the great work!


1: you only get those effects in water or rain
2: intended, might change
3: intended, won't change
4: intended, won't change
5: intended if you sleep before your transformation (being exposed to the full moon)
6: need more details
7: intended, might change
8: intended but unwanted, unknown how to fix


1: I don't have those effects in rain or water I don't know why (I'm not under the tree and its raining)

6: I was just walking through doors inside glass room and somehow i went into swimming animation (the door was framed by blocks of glass)
8: Good luck with that in the future


1: did the curse run out? Use the curse command and see if you still have it
6: him, might have to with poses
8: thank


Yeah curse run out, I didn't know that it can run out, sorry