Beyond Earth

Beyond Earth


Unnecessary string creation in isSpaceWorld() causing excessive TPS increase

LegendaryTot opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm building a 1.18.1 pack and have been doing some profiling and noticed that this mod is accounting for a good portion of the TPS. Using spark profiler ( it looks like there's some unnecessary overhead in the isSpaceWorld() function in these lines here which is caused by creating bunch of strings. Each time you create a new ResourceLocation java has to do some work to create the string for the location.

public static boolean isSpaceWorld(Level world) {
if (Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"moon"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"moon_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"mars"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"mars_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"mercury"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"mercury_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"venus"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"venus_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"overworld_orbit"))) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isOrbitWorld(Level world) {
if (Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"overworld_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"moon_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"mars_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"mercury_orbit"))
|| Methodes.isWorld(world, new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID,"venus_orbit"))) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isWorld(Level world, ResourceLocation loc) {
return world.dimension() == ResourceKey.create(Registry.DIMENSION_REGISTRY, loc);

I think creating some public static variables and referencing them (similar to what you've done here) would be better:

public static final ResourceLocation USING_NAME = new ResourceLocation(BeyondEarthMod.MODID, "using");

I see other spots in your code doing same thing that should also be using this pattern I think.


Of course I take a look on it


fixed f9572dd and b937b5b