Beyond Earth

Beyond Earth


It wont show recipes

Alex3828 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Mod loader


Minecraft version


Beyond Earth version

v7.0-prerelease-05 forge 1.20.1

Modloader version

Forge: 47.2.0

The latest.log file

[23Apr2023 17:39:47.370] [FTB Backups scheduled executor 0/INFO] [net.creeperhost.ftbbackups.FTBBackups/]: Writing to file X:\container-station-data\lib\docker\volumes\7f5ca0bdb7791379bf76332947ea29ea4179eee032ed35afc5f62216467a28e7_data\backups\backups.json

Issue description

It wont show any crafting recipes whatsoever when i unlock them, not even the crafting table one which is automatically unlocked when you create a world. The recipe tab (or whatever its called) itself is there, but its empty
2024-03-15_16 02 42

Steps to reproduce

Just make a world unlock a recipe and open the recipe book. Its empty

Other information

No response