Big Reactors

Big Reactors


crash report

lBIGFAIRYl opened this issue ยท 2 comments


first of can i say i love your mod its so good cant wait for more
but im testing it on my server and i build the frame than i add the yellorium fuel rod than place the reactor control rod on top of it than i start to fill in the gap around the reactor control rod and my server crashes im sorry if this is a dumb problem on my end but im not sure on how to read a crash report the only reason im showing you thing is coz it works 100% in SP when i do this but bugs out when i do it in MP

this is the crash report --

and this is the log --


Hello, and thanks for your bug report.

I made a small error when coding the way the mod displays its GUI, which made it incompatible with dedicated servers.

This is fixed in Big Reactors 0.1.5A, and you can get the latest version from

Thanks again!


np man glad to help and will have it on my server for testing so will keep you up to date with anymore bugs