Big Reactors

Big Reactors



TheXWolf opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hey EB, I was wondering what localization you needed, I speak Italian and could probably help you out. Even though English is my primary language my family speaks it and I understand it more than a book-taught person. =)


An Italian localization file would be welcome. If you look through the code, go to /assets/bigreactors/languages/ and find the file for the source English file.

If you save a copy of that file as and edit the text strings in there, you can then pastebin the file and submit an issue here (this is how Pavel does the Russian translations). If you're familiar with using Git and Github, you could also fork the repo, add the file to your fork, and submit a pull request - that's even better, as it's less work for me. :)

You will need to escape any extended characters (i.e. anything not in the English alphabet); see the German file for a good example of this. There's some decent, free tools online for doing that sort of escaping; a quick Google search should find some.