Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Graphical bug with Big Reactor 0.3rc3

kevin8082 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


So I was testing the latest Big Reactor 0.3rc3 and when I was trying to clean the fuel on my reactor by just breaking the blocks on creative this started to happen on each rod, there were 5 rods on the 7x7x7 reactor and even on a smaller one this happens when you break the rods with fuel on then.


Thanks, I'm pretty sure I know what this is.

To confirm, this happens every time you do the following:

1 - Build a reactor with 2 or more fuel rod blocks
2 - Fill the reactor with fuel
3 - Break the reactor and break at least 1 fuel rod block
4 - The remaining fuel rod blocks glitch out



I just tested with a 5x5x5 reactor with 2 rod on the inside and it happenned the same thing


seen this bug for a few versions, you do realize the bloody thing auto ejects/cleans itself right?


I know but I wanted to break the rods to test another patterns not to rebuild it from scrath because of that and its going to cause some problems for other players too if thaat continues if it happens that erogenousbeef cant fix it