Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Internally stored yellorium fuel is wiped on server restart

Swordstone86 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I've noticed on servers that I play on that whenever I build a reactor, it works perfectly fine until the server either restarts or crashes. When the server comes back up after either event, I find the fuel in my reactor is completely depleted, all the way down to 0.00%, which is normally nearly impossible to get to through normal reactor operation, and it has to be refilled. The reactor is otherwise completely normal, except for the fact that the Yellorium already inside the reactor disappears. Any fuel waiting inside access ports still gets injected automatically, however, as soon as the chunk is reloaded. It's happened several times, both to me and others on the same server. I'm not in the position to get a hold of server logs, so if you need those, I probably won't be able to help. Thanks,



What's your server's dormantChunkCacheSize setting? This is in the Forge settings. Ask your admin, please.

If it's non-zero, there's a known problem with chunks loading/unloading, including at server restarts. It's tracked in #158.


No further info after one week, closing issue.