Big Reactors

Big Reactors



Mitelin opened this issue ยท 12 comments


As we all know Thermal expansion have BIG BUGS and it is not developed anymore can you make support for EU ?? Cause nobody will use TE soo anyway


Thermal expansion IS still being developed ( came out less than a week ago) and it is the least buggy of any of the other power systems out there.


As we all know IC2 has hit the downslope in the release of the EXP and will have ENOURMOUS BUGS and it is being poorly developed?? Cause nobody still uses IC2 soo anyways


Ironic, since IC2 has LOADS of massive bugs, including chunk resets with reactors, and is not being developed for 1.6 anymore, which BR is running.


I thought it was the other way around, IC2 was abandoned months ago and picked up by the community while TE is quite new and still very actively developed




Big Reactors will remain an RF-only system for the foreseeable future. I have absolutely no intention of adding IC2 compatibility, ever.

Request is denied.


"TE Lags all servers all over the world" Unfortunately for you that's false. Did you even read any of the studies I did, I've spent about a week debugging this issue. I don't believe so, therefore let me clarify.

My issues you linked in the previous thread are related specifically to item ducts, which you can clearly see in the Warmroast logs. BigReactors is a great mod, hell I have four of them in my base. I use EnderIO to transport the energy. The GridTickHandler only overloads for item ducts, not energy conduits. If you REALLY want to use EU, convert it with PowerConverters as I do.

By the way, if TE was such an issue in and of itself, do you think the whole FTB team would be focusing on RF power in the coming packs? Or did you not bother to read their posts as well? All caps raging will get you nowhere on the internet, try to be civil.

Keep up the good work, love the mod.


Don't have this argument in my issue tracker, please. If you have problems with Thermal Expansion, they have their own issue tracker. Thanks.


Understood, I was just trying to make a point and provide a solution at the same time. My apologies...


NO IT DOESNT WORK TE LAGS ALL SERVERS ALL OVER THE WORLD LIKE HELL so pls dont tell me that TE work IC exp working perfectli when TE tick handlers have masive lags on every server


CAN you at least make it to outpud BC energi??? COUNDUITS ARE SCRUED TOTALI ON EVERY SERVER and TE team is too busi making 5% of spawning nerf of mobs then actuli make TERMAL EXPANSION USABLE ON SERVERS!


I communicated my stance on this issue when I closed it and marked it "won't fix".

Any further discussion in this issue will result in a permanent ban from the Big Reactors issue tracker.