Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Non reactor steam sources can only feed 1000mb/t to turbines

NolanSyKinsley opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I can feed the steam from a reactor to a turbine with a direct tesseract connection just fine. If I try and use any other steam source the turbine will not accept more than 1000mb/t. I have tried everything, a dozen individual input ports with individually run fluiducts, one block long extrautils transfer nodes with as many upgrades as it can take, buffer tanks, and so much more. You name it I have tried it.

It seems that the buffer/big reactors is calculating fluid every tick while other fluid moving systems have larger buffers and calculate every other tick (IDK if this is how it works, but the people I have talked to about this issue seem to believe this is the source of the issue). The internal buffer of any machine should always be larger than the amount per tick the machine uses to buffer out bumps/dips in the supply, hence buffer. You don't see machines that use 200rf/t with 200 rf buffers.


I'd be curious to know how you're measuring fluid flow. There's no hardcoded limits on the turbine fluid interfaces. The buffer is 2000mB/t and the turbine will consume up to that much. If you want to lower your turbine's consumption (and thus decrease per-tick consumption vs. the size of the buffer), the option to do that is in the UI.


I have tried multiple ways of measuring the rate, multimeteres etc, that all say the pipes leading to the reactor have over 3000mb/t capacity and I am producing close to 2000mb/t. I noticed in the GUI of the turbine that it was flickering 80/80 blades, so I waited until the turbine was full speed and lowered the flow rate until the speed started to drop, which was at exactly 1000mb/t and the efficiency holds steady at 80/40 blades. (for all further testing I left the flow rate at 2000mb/t)

Once I get to that speed I can add many more fluid ports to the reactor and dedicated steam producers that should be overwhelming the turbine, but it will never go above the speed that 1000mb/t produces. The steam buffer flashes between being 100% full and 100% empty, even when there is way more than enough steam and connectors to supply it.

I even tried 12 individial buffer tanks with 12 seperate fluiduct lines with servos running to 12 seperate fluid ports on the turbine, that setup easily pushes over 3000mb/t, yet in the turbine the buffer still flashes between 100% full and 100% empty.


I'm having the same issue. FTB 1.1.1

I've tried 50 ender tanks into their own fluid ports. Extra utils Transfer Nodes with upgrades. Extra Cells mod of Applied Energistics fluid export bus's (plain don't work at all). Fluiducts from Thermal Expansion. Pressurised Liquid Conduit from Ender IO. All the above with and without Tesseracts.

As Nolan says, it appears it will accept the 2000mB, but it will only accept that once every 2 ticks if not more.

Increasing the buffer size would help tremendously, as I know Extra Cells only works every other second and the other mods don't work every tick.

I was planning to use the reactor to generate multiple (8+) turbines worth of steam, and turn them on as the base needs more power. So now I'll have to drop control rods and run the reactor the whole time the turbine runs. Hopefully a fix can be put into the next FTB update.


Hmm. There's probably something odd going on; turbines use their steam at the end of a world tick.

I will not be increasing the size of the steam buffer. However, I'm working on an upcoming update that will allow you to produce higher-density steams, which carry more energy per mB, which should resolve this problem.

As such, I'm marking this as Won't Fix.


Its possible to connect the reactors steam output directly into the turbine's steam input by building the 2 machines next to each other?


Yes, that's possible. You can also use flow-unlimited transport like tesseracts.


Hmm What if you add some kind of machine (maybe multi block) turn regular steam to your high density steam back-and-forth for compatibility with other mods?
Like someone uses some kind of "infinite" steam generation, and than that steam can be converted for more efficient transport.


This issue is closed and the issue tracker is not a discussion hub.


It appears portable tanks from Thermal Expansion operate per tick when set to output. They also appear to do just over 1000mb per tick output. So 2 tesseracts with a portable tank ontop is enough to feed a constant source of steam into a full speed turbine. Now I'm just working on the "constant source" part of this.

Ok worked out the constant source, so I have 1 tesseracts into Turbine Fluid port, directly adjacent. Next I have 2 tesseracts with Reinforced Portable Tanks (normal one is to small, skipped hardened) ontop of it set to output mode.

To feed into the tank, I'm using 2 Transfer Pipes with a ME Fluid Export Bus set to export steam at 1000mb/t. Place the Export Bus last and rotate it slowly till it feeds the tank. Mine are pointed downwards...
2014-05-14_18 55 23

This should solve it for most.