Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Control rod does not work properly

toto666 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, i just did a program in a computer for control my reactor, very very hard^^

But, i'am testing it and i see a bug...
I mean if i "r.setAllControlRodLevels(20)" it's work, on each control rod i have 20% control, it's OK, BUT if i look the interface, it will show me 50% efficiency (casing heat and core heat) instead 20%.

At 100% all control rod, the reactor stop, it's ok
at 90% it's 1/3 efficiency
at 50% it's 25/30 efficiency
at 60% to 0% it's full efficiency

i have a 35 * 5 yellowrium rod with 35 reactor control rod in checkerboard cooled with liquide cryotheum


I'm not sure what you mean by "50% efficiency". Please post some screenshots demonstrating the error.


i made a video:

i am on Big Reactors 0.3.4A2


I'm afraid I still don't understand the error. As you retract the control rods (i.e. set them to lower numbers), the fuel reacts faster, your reactor produces more heat and radiation. All of that is expected and by design.

I still do not understand what you mean by "50% efficiency".


Bug dormant for 7 days, closing.