Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Turbine Output can fill with steam

cwbit opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but the coolant output of my turbine filled with steam (instead of water) the other day while I was setting up a closed-loop system. I'm not 100% sure how it got in there, but I had to hook up an extra output port and extract all the steam from the turbine before it would properly fill with water again to send back to the reactor.

If it's not intentional would it be possible to allow the coolant tank in the turbine to only accept water/valid coolant? Was extremely confusing/frustrating for a first-time builder. I didn't figure it out until someone explained what thier coolant tank looked like.


It's probably because the coolant output for turbines accepts all fluids. I should probably just prevent all fluids from being pumped into the coolant output port.

Shall do, though.


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