Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Turbine not creating any water from steam

terralthra opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hopefully this isn't missing something obvious...

Running 0.3.4A2

I had a nice big 7x7x5 passive reactor that I decided to modify into an actively-cooled reactor for more power. Read up, did calcs, made a gigantic (9x9x14) turbine very nearby. Designed for 2000 mB/t of steam (which my reactor should more than support), put it together, it seemed to become the multi-block structure just fine, hooked it up, and waited for it to spin up to 1800 RPM...and waited....and waited. It never seemed to get to be a self-sustaining steam -> water -> steam loop between the reactor and the turbine. Investigated, and it seems like no matter what I set the waste-water vent option to on the Turbine Controller, the turbine never outputs water as waste, either to the internal waste tank or to a Turbine Fluid port set to output. I've tried hooking various things to it (ExtraUtilities fluid transfer node, tesseract, dimensional transceiver, etc.), nothing works. If I flip it around to be a steam valve, it will output steam from the turbine (?!), but no matter what, the turbine does not seem to generate any water from running on steam, as it should.

I can provide screenshots and more detailed information, if those would be helpful.


Those would be helpful. This appears to work fine on my test instance.


Ok, bunch of images here. So, here's my reactor face, with input and output coolant taps.

Here's another input coolant tap, with an aqueous accumulator to provide initial water in-flow to start the loop off.

Here's what it looks like when it's been running for a while with nothing hooked up to the output or input on the face. Steam fills up, water fills up, produces very little steam output because, well, it has very slow water input.

So, I hook it up, steam output only, to the turbine, which at this point for testing purposes, has no output tap at all, just one fluid tap which I'm using to pipe steam in. As predicted, the water level in the reactor bottoms out and the steam drains over time.

Here's the turbine running off its 0.25 mB/tick, with no output for wastewater, and the vent exhaust setting turned to "close". Obviously, incredibly tiny RPMs and power output. It's been running long enough to go up to 20 RPMs and as you can see from the mouseove, zip waste water in the exhaust tank.

So, I added an output tap to the turbine, hooked up Extra Utilities pipe back to the reactor, and, again, as you can see, there is no water being extracted by the transfer node, and the steam output on the reactor indicates the only water it's getting is from the accumulator external input on the back.

To do some testing about whether it was appropriately sized (and whether the lack of water input back to the reactor was the problem), I added a Creative Coolant block to the reactor, and we see that as long as the reactor isn't starved, it's generated assloads of steam and the turbine is at ~1850 RPMs and approximately the calculated power output.

Still no water in the exhaust tank (despite it being set to "closed") and nothing coming out of the output tap into the transfer node either.


Hmm. Can you try this with a minimal setup? I still can't reproduce.


Update: Built a second turbine, identical in design but aligned vertically so it was 9x9, 14 tall, making sure to put the whole thing inside a single chunk, and it worked perfectly with no creative anything. Rebuilt the first turbine vertically and shifted a bit (as was, the slice containing the controller and the fluid ports was in a different chunk than the bulk of the turbine), and it now works as well, with both turbines running off the one reactor, and it's generating 4k mB per turn of steam with no issues, and power generation is the predicted ~50 kRF/t.

So, chalk it up to chunk-split weirdness, I think.