Big Reactors

Big Reactors


[Suggestion] More turbine config options

octarine-noise opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Great mod, I love everything about it. I only wish turbines were a bit smaller - they're waaaaaay bigger than any other multiblock out there.

So I'd love to see multiplier options in the config for the following:

  • coil drag
  • coil efficiency
  • shaft and blade mass
  • steam capture per blade

That would allow me to scale them to my other stuff.


The mod's name is big reactors. Of course its big. Thats the feature what i like the most. Something big after the tons of single block machines.


Configuration options are always a possibility. Let me see what I can do.


4 new config options will be under the "General" section:
turbineCoilDragMultiplier - Multiplies energy drawn off by coils.
turbineAeroDragMultiplier - Multiplies energy lost to aerodynamic drag.
turbineMassDragMultiplier - Multiplies energy lost to friction.

You should probably keep all 3 of the above identical for balance purposes, or else turbines might get really wacky. Absolutely do not set them to 0 or less.

turbineFluidPerBladeMultiplier - A multiplier applied to the amount of fluid each turbine blade can process. The base amount (25mB) will be multiplied by this amount, and the result rounded down to the nearest integer. GUI tooltips will update correctly, too.


Great, thanks! What about coil efficiency? Will it scale with powerProductionMultiplier or is that only for reactors?


Power output will scale with powerProductionMultiplier, yes. Between that and the new options, you should be able to tweak everything.

The coil efficiency modifier shouldn't be necessary, as that's essentially a relative modifier. Adjusting it globally makes no sense.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned here yet: maximum input rate/buffer size of steam into a turbine. If someone increases the turbineFluidPerBladeMultiplier a lot this would quickly become the bottleneck.


Maximum input rate and buffer size will not be receiving settings. That will be dealt with via content instead.