Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Useing too much Yellowrite

NassiC opened this issue · 23 comments


My reactor is useing allmost all of the yellowrite in its core in an instent. First it is running fine, useing a little here and there in a regular pace. Then BAM it uses ~80% of what it has in its core. Because i have a big reactor, that is about 4 stacks.

So even though it only uses 0.065 mb/t it can use about 1000 yellowrite ingots an hour or more.

The other guy on the server dont seem to have this problem. He have 2 smaller reactors running.


That's bizarre. Can you post screenshots of your setup, along with details on Forge version, BR version and any other mods you may have installed? Also, any details about config and server setup might help.


Next questions. When it uses up what's in the core, does it suddenly spit out a ton of cyanite, or does it just vanish?

I assume your reactor is chunkloaded and/or this occurs when you're just standing around, right? Can you eliminate the possibility that this is due to chunks loading/unloading?

Trying to get some clues here.


It just vanish, i have much less cyanite then i have used yellowrite...
the entire reactor should be chunk loaded. But i will check up on that asap and get back to you.
It happens when im just walking around doing other things, or standing afk waiting to see if it will happen again...

Yes ask all you need, i dont really know what info to give you, so asking is the best way... :)


I dont know what you need to see from my setup, so i have just taken a few to show you. :)
2 minnutes before stopping the reactor with the lvls it has now, its core was 100% full and had about 38 ingots in its acceses port. So you can see in the pics how much was used that fast.

It seems to happen pretty regually, though i havnt confirmed that yet. (No more yellowrite :P)

The server is running SolitaryCraft from ATLauncher, newest update.
So that means its running with:
Bigreactors v. 0.4.0rc8
CoFHCore v 3.0.0.B6-26
Forge v,

Regarding config and server setup, it is just standart as they come in SolitaryCraft. We have disabled a few mods, like 3d Furnice and Dog Talents, but nothing that has anything to do with bigreactors.

Let me know if there is more info you need...



Hmm. Ok, let's get some more data. Can you get yourself a copy of the BeefTronic Diagnostic Tool (you'll need an admin to /give it to you) and right-click (NOT shift-rightclick) on the reactor before and after it eats your yellorium?

That'll spit out a bunch of chat text, which you should be able to copy and paste from the logs into the comments here.


Yes i will try that. The admin wont be on more today, so ill get it to you tomorrow... :)


Found out that the back end of my reactor is not chunk loaded, like the last 4 rows or so. I am staying pretty close to it when it happens though.

I got the BeefTronic tool thing, here is what i got from it


[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SERVER] Beef Debug Tool:
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] class

[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Assembled: true
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Attached Blocks: 477
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Active: true
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Stored Energy: 649216.9
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Casing Heat: 227.0183
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Fuel Heat: 231.56255
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Reactant Tanks:
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Capacity: 364000[0] fuel: yellorium,

363256 mB
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [1] waste: cyanite, 744 mB
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Actively Cooled: true
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Coolant Tanks:
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Capacity (per): 38600[0] hot: steam,

34600 mB
[10:51:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [1] cold: water, 34600 mB


[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SERVER] Beef Debug Tool:
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] class

[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Assembled: true
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Attached Blocks: 477
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Active: true
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Stored Energy: 657552.6
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Casing Heat: 136.31302
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Fuel Heat: 138.23482
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Reactant Tanks:
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Capacity: 364000[0] fuel: yellorium,

168858 mB
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [1] waste: cyanite, 142 mB
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Actively Cooled: true
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Coolant Tanks:
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Capacity (per): 38600[0] hot: NULL
[11:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [1] cold: water, 36920 mB


Another guy on my server seems to have had the same problem now, but in a smaller reactor. That makes 2 out of 3, where this problem have been noticed.. :) Should i ask him to use the Beeftool aswell?


Does his reactor also straddle 2 or more chunks? I suspect the problem is in my multiblock merge/split code for the fuel tank. I suspect what's happening is that part of the reactor is unloading, and that part contains some coolant rods. When they unload, the available fuel space shrinks and any "excess" fuel is erroneously discarded.

Obviously, when chunks load/unload it shouldn't be clamping the fuel tank size.


If that's so, then a temporary workaround would be to chunkload all the chunks the reactor is in, and/or move it such that it's all inside one chunk.


I will try and chunk load all the reactor, and get back to you after a while to se if it helps...
I dont know about his reactor, but will ask... :)

Thanks for your help...


Okay now the entire reactor is chunkloaded, but it still acts the same way... :(


Well, that's unfortunate, as it means it's probably not a chunk-thrashing issue. How many columns of fuel rods do you have, and how tall are they (in # of blocks)? I assume they're laid out in a standard grid pattern?

How often does this happen - every few minutes, once an hour-ish? Does it happen entirely at random, or at regular intervals?


I have 13, and the rods are 7 high. Yes they are in a standart grid pattern.
It seems to happen every few minutes, maybe every 5 minute or so. How ever sometimes it seems like it takes longer the first time after it has been shutoff for awhile, hovever im not certan about that at all... :)
As i mentioned earlyer, it is happening to another reactor on our server aswell... Both does reactors are in more chuincks then one, and the one reactor that is behaving, is in only 1 chunk. So i have tryed to move my reactor now and it hasnt done it sence, i played for about 15 min after. I will get back to you when i have played some more.


Well, after some code analysis, I've found one bug which causes excess fuel/waste burnup and would only be noticeable in large, high-burn-rate reactors (like yours). It doesn't explain the sudden drop-off though.

I've otherwise been unable to reproduce your bug on a SSP world despite burning up several reactorfuls of yellorium.


After moving the reactor into one chunk i have not had the problem. I have been playing for about 4 hours without it dumping the yellorium, and that is much longer then ever before... :D
So it seems like the bug only shows when the reactor is in multiple chunks...


Good morning gentlemen, I have a very similar issue. I am playing using the ATLauncher 'Yogscast Complete Pack' which is version 1.6.4 I believe. Unfortunately I can't give you all of the version details as I am not at home right now. What I can tell you is I have a reactor with a single rod, four high. I have it plugged in via two ports utilizing the mekanism basic cables. I have the cables running all over my complex, to various machines from GenDustry (Industrial Aparies) to Forestry (Centrifuges) to Thermal Expansion, AE, and others.

What happens, and this appears to be random, is that the power will completely dump out of the system. Even if the internal battery is completely charged, it will dump out. I try to unplug the cables at the reactor, and it charges again, but when I plug them back it in again dumps to 0, causing a severe drain in Yellorite. I have been unable to get it to work again, unless I completely dismantle all 100-ish cables and start completely over. Then it works for a day or two before happening again.


@3dxcentric - That sounds like a separate issue; please let me know if it reproduces with 1.7.10. 1.6.4 is no longer supported.


My apologies. I'll direct my issue to the guys running the mod pack :)

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Mr. E. Beef [email protected]

@3dxcentric - That sounds like a separate
issue; please let me know if it reproduces with 1.7.10. 1.6.4 is no longer

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#332 (comment)


Closing this, as it's solved with a workaround.


I'm running into a similar issue: big reactor, straddles chunk borders. Everything's chunkloaded, but I've configured (I'm the server admin) ChickenChunks to unload chunks 10 minutes after the loader's owner leaves. I can stick around for hours, even in another dimension, and it'll work fine, which indicates that my chunkloader setup is correct. If I log off and back in within that 10 minute gap, it's also fine.

I tried going off for 15 minutes and the reactor had "consumed" around three stacks of fuel (it was around 85% full, whereas it was 100% full when I left). The reactor is stable at a fuel consumption of 0.340 mB/t. It's feeding into MFR lasers which produce excess fuel, so it should normally be entirely self-sustaining. The intake port is empty where it had a stack when I left, but (more interestingly!) the Extra Utilities transfer node's internal buffer which inserts the fuel into the port was still full, so the reactor didn't consume the fuel, it was well and truly lost somehow.

I'd really appreciate a fix that doesn't involve moving my entire build half a chunk off so that the reactor is within one chunk.


I've been unsuccessful at generating a world which can reproduce this
issue, and it's almost impossible to fix without a good repro case.

If you can make and post a repro world (without additional mods,
preferably), I'll be glad to attempt a fix.
On Oct 18, 2014 3:25 AM, "guertijp" [email protected] wrote:

I'm running into a similar issue: big reactor, straddles chunk borders.
Everything's chunkloaded, but I've configured (I'm the server admin)
ChickenChunks to unload chunks 10 minutes after the loader's owner leaves.
I can stick around for hours, even in another dimension, and it'll work
fine, which indicates that my chunkloader setup is correct. If I log off
and back in within that 10 minute gap, it's also fine.

I tried going off for 15 minutes and the reactor had "consumed" around
three stacks of fuel (it was around 85% full, whereas it was 100% full when
I left). The reactor is stable at a fuel consumption of 0.340 mB/t. It's
feeding into MFR lasers which produce excess fuel, so it should normally be
entirely self-sustaining. The intake port is empty where it had a stack
when I left, but (more interestingly!) the Extra Utilities transfer node's
internal buffer which inserts the fuel into the port was still full, so the
reactor didn't consume the fuel, it was well and truly lost somehow.

I'd really appreciate a fix that doesn't involve moving my entire build
half a chunk off so that the reactor is within one chunk.

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#332 (comment)


Hello, I've had a similar issue on a smaller scale using Big Reactors 0.4.0rc11 with the ModSauce pack from ATLauncher on a server. Twice i've come back to my inactive reactor to find most of its fuel missing. It's a 13(W)x13(d)x3(h) reactor (1st Image) with 9 control rods, and the chunk lines seem to cut right across two-thirds of the rods (2nd image), which would explain leaving me with only 33.3% fuel after filling it completely (3rd image), I plan to move it to a single chunk to hopefully 'cure' my problem, but for this version of the mod, it seems to be a chunk-loading issue.
I've used this reactor for a total of maybe two minutes (it's water cooled, so very inefficient currently) so there is no way that it could have burned the fuel naturally.
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