Big Reactors

Big Reactors


powertap not accepting input

neronakoma opened this issue ยท 6 comments


running a private lan server with friends and was having issues with powertap that i was wondering about. we have thermal expansion and galactic craft, and neather would connect or put out any RFt to any of them. i was wondering if there was something i was mising with it


BR 0.4.0rc8, TE[1.7.10]4.0.0B5-13, GC-BETA-1.7- i attempted to run a TE rednet energy cable to an item from the same mod and set output on the rednet port to output power (it giving none) i then tried it with the power tap, and it denied the cable as well as the aluminum wire from GC. both would not connect. i will post screenshots of the issue shortly as i would have to either get to the moon or make a new reactor


There was also a relevant bugfix in BR 0.4.0rc9, which fixed an issue with power taps not properly reconnecting after chunk reloads. You may wish to upgrade to the latest version and retest.


Wait, TE doesn't have energy conduits in 1.7 yet. I definitely need screenshots now.


Please provide version numbers - which versions of Forge, Big Reactors, TE and Galacticraft are you running? Also, can you provide screenshots of your non-working setups? You should simply need to attach appropriate energy carriers directly to the power taps, such as one of TE's energy cells. (Make sure you've configured the TE energy cell to accept input on the face attached to the power tap.)

It should be as simple as that.


energy conduits are minefactory. but here are some screenshots. maybe this can help me solve my issue
2014-10-30_20 48 04
2014-10-30_20 53 03

im thinking its not BR at all but rather GC. ill have to look into it more then i have


Last I checked, IC2 is not an RF-compatible energy system. Big Reactors only supports RF power. I'm not sure which system Galacticraft supports, but yes, this appears to be external to BR.