Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Turbine RPM drops when chunks are unloaded.

xpeterc1 opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Playing on Direwolf20 1.0.3 FTB pack.
Vertical 7x7x17 turbine design and using 3 high powered Railcraft boilers to provide steam.
Both turbine and boilers are within the same one chunk.
Using EnderIO conduits to move steam and power, venting all water from turbine.
There is no issue if am keeping the chunks loaded, but if I leave the area or log-off, the turbine RPM eventually drops to zero. Will dip slightly when unloading the chunk and immediately returning using teleport (/home).
Railcraft boilers retain their temperature and no noticeable change in their fuel consumption.
No chunk loaders on this server.

Also wanted to say that this is an awesome mod.


This is still an issue, is there any update? This has been a bug for a year and a half now.


after more searching around, I found this post on

Someone there said that multi-blocks don't keep their forum when unloading which makes sense that the turbine goes to 0 RPM, not entirely convinced since the boilers are still retaining their data.

Here is the post in question:
"Multiblocks don't keep their form when unloading most of the time. You lose a stack of Yellorite because the inventory disappeared, dropping it into nothingness. When you load the chunk, the blocks reform. The Cyanite slot may be immune to this issue since it is not an input, as then different code is used to store the value.

The same thing happens with Brine multiblocks, as I constantly have to reform it manually. My Turbine breaks on unload and reforms, starting from 0 RPM's, so I confirm this is what happens.

I dunno if this problem has been mentioned here, since I did do a few search in the issue section before posting this issue.


My turbine never unformed...
what version of Big reactors, you have?
Also, What mod is doing the chunkloading for you? and mod version?


Hmm I got a chunk loader up way early in the game, so I never accoutered this issue.

However when I tried to reproduce it in a world, with,just big reactors and thermal expansion, The reactor didn't unform.(I tp'ed 5k blocks then back)


Can you tell me how you are unloading the chunks? by just walking or by Mystcraft book?


Just by logging off from the immediate area seems to do the trick, and any other ways of unloading the chunk normally like walking away from the chunk once it has been loaded.

I usually just log in and find that the turbine is at zero RPM, sorry if I am not exactly answering how you want me too, never done a bug report before.

If you want, I can try to get a video of it in action.
But all it's going to show is that a Turbine running at 1800 rpm, I relog and when I come back in, the RPM is back to zero.


I am not using any chunk loaders.

I am not entirely sure, only speculating that when the chunks unload and load causes the turbine to unform, is what is causing the RPM to drop to zero.


Maybe this is a server only bug....
Nah its just how I ask things that confuse others.
Can you reproduce it in a Singleplayer world?(Have to sleep so see you back in 8-12 hours)


Tested multiple times, each in a new location in a flat world, was unable to get this to happen in a single player offline world.
But it's still happening to the one turbine I have on the server I play on.
So it might just be a server only bug.


This as far my help can go...
but you can put down a chunkloader, it should keep the turbine from deforming. Unless the server you play on has made chunkloader disable chunkloading when you go offline, then I advise you to slow down your turbine to zero as it will waste less fuel and emptying the buffer in the access port of your reactor.(when you want to go offline)


Did, by any chance, have any problems with the reactors, not turbines, when the chunk unloaded and reloaded?(on the server)


Reactors power and heat are constant, I believe.

Both have their control panels green when I log on, so they are both powered.
Reactor seems to hold it's power, heat and fuel (most of the time) when loading, turbine is powered but again RPM is at 0.


I have remade the entire setup on a new server with a better tick rate, with the addition that nothing are adjacent to the sides of the turbines beside conduits to allow steam and power.
Logging off and immediately back in seems to keep the turbine running nicely, only when I log off and come back, say in 10 mins does this seem to reproduce the turbine restarting from 0 RPM.

Will try more test like emptying the water from port and anything else I can think of.


This sounds like a persistence issue, actually. It's probably not saving the internal energy value properly. I'll look into it.