Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Unknown problem, Infinity server crashing

ajthemacboy opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Hi. Yesterday my FTB Infinity server entered a crash loop and the log mentions big reactors. I asked on the FTB forum but we couldn't solve the problem.

Here is the server log:

Here is the crash log:

Both are not full logs, I am SSHing into the host and can't copy them all in Vim.


By the way, one of my players mentioned breaking a BigReactor with a TCon hammer crashing the server. If this IS the issue, is it possible to release an update to the mod that is serverside only, so Infinity players can keep playing?


Looks like there's a corrupt reactor somewhere on your server, but it really shouldn't loop-crash.

As for the TiCon issue, it's tracked in another open ticket. I will work on it when I have time, but I've been away on business for over a month now, so I'd recommend wiping the reactors on your server if this is blocking you from playing.


I have tried removing BigReactors with no luck! I figured this would delete all reactor blocks, but I'm still getting this crash log (this time I was able to get the full one):


Your most recent crash log clearly lists BR as installed. I'll take a look at the full log later - I'm about 3 minutes from boarding my next flight.


Perhaps the crash report isn't being saved anymore, and that's an old one?

I need to go as well, I have en economics class. I hope we can keep troubleshooting this, however my players have pretty much decided they just want a world reset.


Even after I removed the reactor in MCEdit, the problem persists.


That log shows that BR is still installed. There's a corrupt block somewhere.


I have removed BigReactors, you clearly don't believe me.

That's my mods folder...


Here is the FULL server LOG, since the crash report doesn't seem to say much:


We just reset the world. I've looked at the other issues, though, and it seems this has been a problem for a while. We think we're just going to remove BigReactors until you fix the issue with Tcon.