Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Molten Yellorium Crashes Server

Opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Smelting yellorite in the TiC smeltery causes a crash as soon as it becomes liquid. This appears to be related to the recently fixed Forge fluidRegistry bug.


You shouldn't be able to melt it anyways. The liquids are only placeholders.


It has been working like all the other ores to double in the smeltery. Why shouldn't it work?


The liquid is not intended for actual use yet.


Use Minetweaker to add actual compat. My code is:

// Localization fixups
game.setLocalization("fluid.bigreactors.yellorium.still", "Fluid Yellorium");
game.setLocalization("fluid.bigreactors.cyanite.still", "Fluid Cyanite");
// Yellorium + Smeltery
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(<BigReactors:BRMetalBlock>, <liquid:yellorium> * 1296, null, false, 80);
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addTableRecipe(<BigReactors:BRIngot>, <liquid:yellorium> * 144, <TConstruct:metalPattern>, false, 80);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:BRMetalBlock>, <liquid:yellorium> * 1296, 600);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:BRIngot>, <liquid:yellorium> * 144, 600, <BigReactors:BRMetalBlock>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:BRIngot:4>, <liquid:yellorium> * 144, 600, <BigReactors:BRMetalBlock>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:YelloriteOre>, <liquid:yellorium> * 288, 600);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<ExtraBees:misc:27>, <liquid:yellorium> * 36, 600, <BigReactors:BRMetalBlock>);
// Uranium + Smeltery
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<minechem:tile.oreUranium>, <liquid:yellorium> * 288, 600);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<minechem:minechemElement:92>, <liquid:yellorium> * 9, 600, <>);
// Cyanite + Smeltery
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(<BigReactors:BRMetalBlock:1>, <liquid:cyanite> * 1296, null, false, 80);
mods.tconstruct.Casting.addTableRecipe(<BigReactors:BRIngot:1>, <liquid:cyanite> * 144, <TConstruct:metalPattern>, false, 80);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:BRMetalBlock:1>, <liquid:cyanite> * 1296, 600);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:BRIngot:1>, <liquid:cyanite> * 144, 600, <BigReactors:BRMetalBlock:1>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<BigReactors:BRIngot:5>, <liquid:cyanite> * 144, 600, <BigReactors:BRMetalBlock:1>);
mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(<ExtraBees:misc:29>, <liquid:cyanite> * 36, 600, <BigReactors:BRMetalBlock:1>);

That would include compat with Minechem and Extra Bees. Simply delete lines that have a minechem element or a Extra Bees item in them if you do not have minechem or Extra Bees.
This is actually needed because there are (for example) no casting recipes and because there is no real localization for the fluids.


Thank you, that tweak fixed it!