Big Reactors

Big Reactors



sameer opened this issue · 76 comments


When will BigReactors be updated?


Probably never... at least not by @erogenousbeef himself.


Yup, I've realized this now XD


So do you think this mod could be picked up/taken over? We might be interested in doing it but I am not sure what the future plans are now that erogenousbeef is MIA.


I would be happy if you did that.


My group can talk about taking it over but I don't want to step on anybody's toes. Sounds like crunkazcanbe was the last one to update it. We are currently (slowly as we learn) building our own mod. But this is one of our favorite mods and we want to keep it alive. I would love some more feedback on this before I bring it up to the team.


@pacthchristensen Go ahead, nothing is happening with BigReactors lately and it would be great to see you take it over.


Thanks for the response Robotia. My concern is that erogenousbeef has not given permission. Has anyone heard from him? Has he quit for good? I would hate for us to go down the road of working on it and then he comes back at some point. I can't imagine that he would be too happy about it. His website is still up so I have to imagine that he is somewhat around. I guess he could have paid a year or two in advance.


I'm on his IRC, don't see anything happening there either. I don't think he would have a problem if you forked this and worked on it further.


@pacthchristensen As far as I have see there are already some forks of this mod on github which tried to update it but then stopped.
I just gone through the LICENSE file of BigReactors, it is the MIT license, so you could do a fork and update it without stepping anybody's toes. If you want to make sure, you can include a sentence in your README like: "If the mod author or some representative of him wants me to take this mod update down, I will do so". And you probably should include an "unoffical" tag in the mod name/file name.

EDIT: I'm starting to learn java better and to mod, if you wnat to have a person more to help, just tell me.
And sorry for my sometimes horrible english, I'm a german student ;)


I just tried to setup the devworkspace for BigReactors but it doesn't work like it should...
I always get errors in IntelliJ that ComputerCraft and MinefactoryReloaded are missing but they aren't marked as dependencies in the build.gradle


Nice to hear, but I only want to point out that I am just starting modding... I probably have as much knowledge about java or modding as you at the moment (no offense), maybe even less. I don't think that I am s a big help with coding at the moment. But I could do testing with the mod if you want me, too.
As I said before I just did a fork an already fixed a small dependencie error and I am now trying to update it to the new forge version.


I would be happy to help, perhaps we can make this fork under a joint github organization?


So I am running it by the rest of the group. Let me be clear though I am not the programmer, I have been a server engineer for the last 18 years. I can go in and make small changes to code. I am more our project coordinator. But on our team we have 2 programmers, a texture person, and a math guy. We have been making changes to a world gen mod that we will probably be taking over and posting soon. We are also working on our own mod that is a ways out. So I need to convince the rest of the team to take on this project. Tomson124 I will let them know about your offer to help, maybe that will help me convince them.


Of course we can.


What should we name it? :o


BigReactor Unofficial Fork?


This is great news. BigReactors is one of my staple mods, and I was sad to see it wither - I hope you guys decide to do this.

I've often thought about picking it up myself, but the time commitment needed was too great. If it's just a couple of hours a week, however, then I'd be happy to help out.


Hi guys,
So I talked to both of the programmers on our team. One is thinking about it and the other wants to look at the code to see what is involved. We are all beginnings at this but we have been IT guys for a long time and figure out harder stuff than this every day.

Some some thoughts... The unofficial thing bothers us a little. I think if we are going to do it we go 100%. So basically a new mod based off big-reactors(the mod formally known as), also maybe some kind of new name. This way if Beef ever does come back he can continue because they are known as two different mods. Similar how to Biomes o plenty and biomesXL came into creation. So we can create a new site, curse page, forum post, and github. There is a clear line separation that the end users can understand. So they can see that this "was" big-reactors by beef but now this is made by these new guys.

So my question to you guys is this. If we were to do it and take charge of it would you be willing to help as coders? The direction, website and such would be on us. Of course you guys would get input but we would be leading the project. How do you feel about that? On a side note the youngest one of us is 34, the oldest is 44. So we are not kids trying to do this.

Any ways this is my thoughts. I like to be totally honest it what we are thinking.


I think it's a good idea, my only worry would be compatibility. If Big Reactors has mods that depend on it then it will be a nightmare to get those to be compatible.


If you do not change the modid nor the API (additions are not a problem), you can maintain compatibility with any mod depending on BigReactors. Leaving the modid as it is now should not be a problem as I don't expect anyone to install both versions of BigReactors.


I can't code, but I'll provide a repo/ do the curse forge and website stuff and wiki. Just come up with a name and names of people involved.


Like I already told you, I'm a 18 year old student from germany I'm just starting learning java and modding, as I mainly do graphic/logo design, but if I can help, I will. I have experience in HTML and CSS for a website or a wiki if it is needed. But the idea sounds good so far. We could also use part of Beef's Roadmap for new features later on.


Just finished my "update" of BigReactors... For me everything is working so far.


Sry that it took so long to answer, but I had to fix some errors I made.


ok thanks ill test it out.


is there any way that you can get the changes that @robotia made in the pull request on the mods original git hub?


Easiest way would be that @robotia applies his pull request to my BigReactors fork but I could just copy the code but then he doesn't get the "credit" in a proper way.


Its sad to see such good mods go to shit like this.


I think it would be better if we discuss this somewhere else... Maybe the BigReactors IRC?
@patchchristensen Do you have already any further information? I don't want to start maintaining the mod when you will "pick" it up later anyways.


@Cracks777 as far as i know this guys has only done updates for the mod so he could use it for his own server (look at his last build's changelog...)


@Tomson124 do you have any builds that you have compiled that i can download?


@Tomson124 Maybe we can make it under TCPR with @Yive's approval?


Not sure what TCPR is.. I will do my best to think of some names.



  • Power Plant
  • ERS (Explosions-R-Us)
  • FUIH
  • Puget Power
  • P.U.D.
  • Hayo
  • Steam-Co
  • Eletronuclear
  • A.N.T. (Advanced Nuclear Technologies)
  • Nukem Technologies
  • Atomenergoprom
  • Cyberdyne Systems

@robotia I don't mind if it were to be made under my group, would just need to know what to name the project so that I could make it & give you permission to write to it.


Actually I quite like Cyberdyne...what about Cyberdyne Coders Coalition (CCC) or something like that?


Cyberdyne Coders Coalition is a cool name for a group of mods! Some of those names are good. How about Nuclear steam Co. or Enchanted reactors. Ant is good too.


Hey Guys,
Sorry we spent a lot of time discussing this over the last few days. Unfortanully the rest of the guys (one gal) don't really think they have the time to pick this up at this time. I tried hard to convince them but one is getting started training for his motor cross races and they both want to focus on what we have been doing. The new biosphere mod was passed on to us from Brainslugs83. We have been busy updating that which we are getting close to posting. We also have a mod from scratch we are working on.
I was really hoping that they would all be on board with this but I just couldn't change their minds. Sorry guys, maybe in the future I am will be able to change their minds. I am still willing to help out however I can. But I am not a programmer I will do whatever I can. I can get on the IRC channel if you like.
Thanks Patch


@patchchristensen If that is so, maybe @robotia and me could take over it.


@Tomson124 Sounds good, we will need a GitHub group though.


How do we name it? :D


@Tomson124 We have to come up with a cool name, I can make it 😛


@robotia My gaming Clan is called DreadfulAdventures, and my "Graphic Designer" - Name is TomsonDesign.... You see I'm not very creative :P


I like Cyberdyne Coders Coalition
Maybe I should consider asking you, @robotia , if I need some cool names :D
I think it would be cool to have a own group, as I want to start my own mod later on and I could use some help ;)


@robotia How do we communicate from now on?


Check email.


@bookerthegeek I already accepted the group invite


@Tomson124 Gave everyone write access. Do you have Discord?


@robotia Maybe we could exchange email or some other contact option? And maybe I could get write access to the group repo, so I don't have to always do pull requests?


Great, I'm glad BR is not abandoned.
May I ask what your plans are?
Maintenance/bugfix only? Implementing new features? Porting beyond 1.7.10?


@octarine-noise I am not sure about porting to 1.8, that will take a lot of time to figure out. Right now, maintenance/bugfix IMO before we proceed.


At this point in time, I wouldn't worry about 1.8. However, if you decide to do 1.9, my offer of help still stands. I'll be neck deep in rendering anyway, which is the most intrusive change compared to 1.7.


Hi folks. I'm thrilled to see that there's a group effort to maintain and extend Big Reactors, or to build something based on it. My personal and professional lives have become so busy that I have less than zero spare time to devote to Minecraft. I apologize for the abrupt disappearance and the lack of delivery of BR 0.5.

Two points of order:
1 - You absolutely do not need my permission, approval or blessing to do this. That's explicitly why I put the mod out under the MIT license -- so anyone could fork it or take it over.

2 - Even though you don't need it, you have my blessing anyway.

Good luck & have fun!


Oh, and once you get everything set up, leave a message here and I'll update BR's readme to point to your repo.


Damn.... :)


Well, hello there.

Don't worry about it - IRL always comes first. Also, modders come and modders go, but good mods are forever. There was even a song about this in The Lion King... I think :D


Hey I joined discord by my invite expired. Have we set up a good way to communicate?


Did you guys ever get anywhere with the update?

Is the 0.4.4 version in this thread better than the 0.4.3 on Jenkins?
I'm having problems with my big reactor which will stop exiting power when I plug up a Redstone flux to it. Unplug it and battery charges, plug it and it goes to 0.

Every once in a while it works though..

haha, found this:


Those looking for the (or, at least, a) Big Reactors 1.10.2 port, you may consider @ZeroNoRyouki/BigReactors, forked from here. They have beta releases available on CurseForge. Functionality is, bast I'm able to tell, identical the the 1.7.10 version of Big Reactors, although they do appear to have other plans going ahead.


So where could I find a 1.7.10 version?
Why is 1.7.10 being left behind? I mean how can you live without the Thermal series mods?
they still only 1.7.10 right.. so many mods are still only 1.7.10.


@Tomson124 might know that better than me.


I read somewhere that @Tomson124 kinda let this mod go as other people where taking over.


Yes, we stopped working on it because 1.7.10 is slowly dying and because someone else was quicker with a 1.10.2 version. That does however not mean that he can't tell you were the downloads are.


True that!


BTW, I tried the 0.4.4 UNOFFICIAL version of Big Reactors and that still won't allow me to plug any kind of energy pipe to the reactor. As soon as I plug a pipe, the battery drains to 0 automatically. Disconnect it and battery fills up. Reactor works fine.
Would this have anything to do with Thermos 58 by any chance @robotia ?


@patchchristensen The port you linked is the one by ZeroNoRyouki that @Ommina mentioned.


So I finally got it to work with a wooden BC kinetic pipe going to Diamond BC pipes of al things... But the output is abysmal of course!!!
After power converters, I get 80 EU per tick... Nothing basically. (pre converters, it's 320 RF)
Is there really no other way ?

I want to try your newest version guys.. come on... a little download link for Paul... ;-)


No one is willing to share?


I am sorry to say that I will not be using Big Reactors anymore (as no one is willing to help me out), I will go the IC2 route.


I was trying to get the latest 1.7.10 version of this guy here.



@erogenousbeef You said we should "ping" you if we are ready :) Unfortunatly we aren't ready yet mostly because we would like to ask you, if it is okay for you when we "make" a new repo for BigReactors (not a fork, a new repo) and "recreate" the mod, as we will probably do a complete rewrite for 1.8.9 or 1.9.4 (not sure which one we will do) Of course we would credit you and explicitly state that we had permission to do so, we also would keep the mod under the MIT License.
Thank you for your help and the awesome mod ;)