Big Reactors

Big Reactors


setControlRodName broken

purplemonday opened this issue ยท 0 comments


reactor.setControlRodName (1,"test")
Invalid argument 1, must be a non-null string.....
reactor.setControlRodName ("1","test")
Invalid argument 1, must be a non-null string.....
reactor.setControlRodName (nil,"test")
Invalid argument 1, must be a non-null string.....
reactor.setControlRodName (1,"")
Invalid argument 1, must be a non-null string.....
reactor.setControlRodName (1)
Insuffcient number of arguments, expected 2 (control rod index, name).....

just seem to not get it working.. seems like argument #1 is wrong typed.
v0.4.3A using opencomputers