Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Enhancement request: Yellorite bee

jalapeno777 opened this issue · 8 comments


I am requesting a hook into forestry for a bee species that produces yellorium nuggets which can then be converted into yellorium ingots.

Our server is loving this plugin and really a renewable way of generating new fuel is one of the few components we feel is missing.

Keep up the great effort


I can't help but believe that this request would be better served by submitting it to one of the bee add-on packs.

That said -- if (and only if) EB gives permission for such a bee to even exist, and if MysteriousAges is willing to consider a code submission from an unknown such as myself, I'm willing to take on the task of creating a BR-based bee.

But permissions first!


I'm cool with a yellorite bee. Don't bees usually make nuggets though? I'll
add a yellorium nugget in 0.3.0 or 0.3.1, if so.

Oredict will be "nuggetYellorium'.
On Mar 4, 2014 2:02 AM, "Ommina" [email protected] wrote:

I can't help but believe that this request would be better served by
submitting it to one of the bee add-on packs.

That said -- if (and only if) EB gives permission for such a bee to even
exist, and if MysteriousAges is willing to consider a code submission from
an unknown such as myself, I'm willing to take on the task of creating a
BR-based bee.

But permissions first!

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub


Hello! Im currently using the reactors with an MFR drill, with lime focuses. It produces more uranium than needed, and uranium (at least in the monster pack) pulverizes to two yellorium dust each.

I believe a single reactor+laser setup produces enough to feed itself and another reactor of the same size.

Im using 0.3rc2, with an ender-cooled passive 7x7x7 reactor, with 4 fuel rods and 20% control rod extension each (the reactor produces 10k RF, and stays at 980ºC).

For me, the fact that its possible to make it self-sufficient is key to its use. If there wasn't a way to do this I would probably not use the mod (and that would be a shame, its an awesome mod!)


Hope it helps!


oh god the puns haha.

Thanks for the tip...though it might be a bit counter productive since the MFR laser drill requires 100,000 mj to produce an ore...even if we could guarantee a yellorite ore every cycle it would cost far more energy to get that ore than what we'll get from the ore. The hope with the bees I think is to be able to produce a surplus.

An alternative might be having the ability to have the reprocessor handle more than just cyanite to produce we could convert some other forms of metal into it. Although that will take a bit away from a "realism" aspect if that is part of your goal.


I noticed your modpack has Minefactory Reloaded in it. Yellorite ore is registered with the MFR laser drill. I believe the focus color is cyan. Hopefully that's helpful for now.

I can look into doing a Forestry bee, but it'll bee a while.


I'm not terribly fussed about realism - I prefer fun. One of the things planned for 0.4 is a multiblock reprocessing system which allows for far higher reprocessing efficiencies. Different input fluids will be part of that. I haven't done much thinking on the specifics aside from "it has to have lightning bolts shooting between different parts of the machine, because lightning bolts are cool".


I added yellorium dust to UraniumComb in my mod EMU in module YE


Thanks marcin212! That's an excellent solution, I'll point people towards EMU if they need bees. :)