Big Reactors

Big Reactors


Add a block to fill empty spaces "air" with coolant blocks/liquid.

sircrimer opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Im trying to build a very big reactor with resonant ender. Due to the inherent properties of resonant ender (teleport) and overall minecraft mechanics (liquid placement) this is a rather tedious affair right now.

At the same time it is rather annoying to change anything in an existing reactor as all broken items and the player can get teleported all over the place. This stifles setup experimentation.

Thus it would be usefull to have a method to fill and empty the tank of all "coolants".
And maybe even the liquified yellorium (as this is lost when a fuelrod is repositioned).


Buildcraft is open source, isn't it? Therefore you should easily be able to utilize the algorythm that the BC pump and the BC floodgate use, as far as I understand it.

I do like sircrimer's request a lot, but I would go as far as to further suggest that this block not only be used for (re)filling a reactor with coolant, but also, while the reactor is running, for pumping out degenerated coolant in order to reprocess it and for pumping it back in afterwards.

I am aware that real world reactors usually only require fuel reprocessing. In your lovely mod, especially big reactors tend to be huge black monoliths within a cave. I think, at least for large reactors, a bit more effort and a more extensive infrastructure should be necessary. My power plant setup looks quite barren apart from a bit of Blutonium-Reprocessing.


This is doable. I'll have to think a bit about how to do it nicely, but I can do it for 0.3. Something like a fluid port that only functions while the reactor is inactive and allows you to pump stuff into/out of the reactor, one block at a time.

The difficulty is that, when pumping stuff in, it's a very difficult problem to discover the most efficient positioning of blocks, so it'd probably just fill from the bottom up. Pumping out is obviously much less difficult.


The fuel in the fuel rods, by the way, will be dropped in 0.3 when you break a fuel rod. Depending on time and whim, I might add the fluid interface blocks so that you can pump fuel out as a fluid for storage.



fyi.... we use flood gates from buildcraft to load up our reactors with coolant. Imho this is the easiest way to fill the vessel with source blocks. Warning, it might take a while on bigger reactors. I suggest placing all the non fluid blocks first, then using the flood gate. As long as there is a clear path for the fluid to take, it will fill up all empty blocks. This should work till the coolant update comes out.


sadly the flood gate transforms resonant ender into liquid ender wich doesnt work. :(


Should work as of 0.2 14A

If you update, it will work better. :)


Yes, 0.2.14A fixed the ender fluid from TiCon not working properly. It was using the values for water prior to 0.2.14A. Beg Wylker to upgrade.


A reactor with two different fluids in it, namely resonant ender and cryotheum, is such a pain to set up. Some method of separating the liquids would be nice. Perhaps a block that you can right click with a bucket to replace with a liquid. Think carpenter's blocks, but for liquids and the block is destroyed when you use a bucket on it.


Perhaps a block that you can right click with a bucket to replace with a liquid.

+1 for gel blocks that you can move around! This would make prototyping so much more pleasant. Could just claim they liquefy when the reactor heats up.


Reactor rods do not require source blocks to be touching all surfaces. I have been able to place the coolant on the top layer and just have "flowing" coolant touching the rest of the way down and get the same efficiency as source blocks occupying all spaces. With a typical 7x7x7 with X type 5 rod assembly only needs 8 buckets of resonant ender to be fully cooled. Certainly better than the 100 buckets it would require if I was placing source blocks in every empty space.. Messing around with placing and breaking blocks I have been able to fully cool a 7x7x7 with 4 rod assembly with a single bucket of coolant.