Big Reactors

Big Reactors


{Feature request}

bookerthegeek opened this issue · 1 comments


#1: Everybody on my sever loves this mod, keep up the great work. We are all liking forward to the coolant update.
#2: Creative only block that caps the reactor at a specific temperatur, say 1000°?
#3: Add the ability to use other mods "strong" glass. Such as the blast resistant glass from IC for example. Mainly because this will allow the reactor to be individualized to match the base it is built in. (imho I hope you improve the glass texture)
#4: Add the ability to use hot coolant to make steam, in addition to Redstone Flux. The plan on my server is to power the community workshop completely with your mod. The ability to make steam from coolant will be easier then converting Flux to Eu or UE.

Thanks for the wonderful mod and keep up the great work!


#2 I'll see what I can do. A creative controller or something, maybe.

#3 Not directly possible, unfortunately, because of the technical details of how my multiblocks operate. The glass texture will be improved in 0.3.

#4 is already planned as a launch feature in 0.3.0. If you use water as coolant, it'll come out the other side as steam. Later on in 0.3, there'll be a heat exchanger so you can create steam from heated non-water coolants + water.