Bigger Crafting Tables

Bigger Crafting Tables


Using <item>.noReturn() not working

vizthex123 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Trying to make this recipe:

	[[<projecte:matter_block>, null, <theaurorian:auroriansteel>, <sccraftingrunes:itemlegendarymat>, <deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_ingot>, null, <projecte:matter_block>],
	[null, <retroexchange:transmutation_stone>.noReturn(), null, null, null, <retroexchange:transmutation_stone>.noReturn(), null],
	[<theaurorian:auroriansteel>, null, <elementaristics:essence:15>, <ore:gemValuable>, <elementaristics:essence:15>, null, <deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_ingot>],
	[<sccraftingrunes:itemlegendarymat>, null, <ore:gemValuable>, <projecte:transmutation_table>, <ore:gemValuable>, null, <sccraftingrunes:itemlegendarymat>],
	[<deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_ingot>, null, <elementaristics:essence:15>, <ore:gemValuable>, <elementaristics:essence:15>, null, <theaurorian:auroriansteel>],
	[null, <retroexchange:transmutation_stone>.noReturn(), null, null, null, <retroexchange:transmutation_stone>.noReturn(), null],
	[<projecte:matter_block>, null, <deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_ingot>, <sccraftingrunes:itemlegendarymat>, <theaurorian:auroriansteel>, null, <projecte:matter_block>]]);

But it doesn't work. It doesn't even add the Transmutation Stones to the recipe.

Is there a way to fix this?


This mod is cool and all but it honestly hasn't been updated in a while, and I can see Extended Crafting being a far better option to be honest.


Yeah, but that one makes everything really late-game and it's super annoying. That's what the recipes are for, the table shouldn't cost that much.

I use BiggerCraftingTables because it's cheap and easy to get.