Bing Bing Wahoo

Bing Bing Wahoo


Dive Bounce Exploit

TheVisionaryOne opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Been messing around with Bing Bing Wahoo for a Mario-inspired platforming modpack, and it's a blast! One gripe I have, though, is how easily exploitable the Dive mechanic is. Unsure if this is intentional, but Dives can be used as a near-infinite way to traverse terrain simply by spamming spacebar. I haven't measured, but it seems like it's possible to traverse 50+ blocks with this exploit. Potentially more.

This exploit is possible even with Grounded Dives disabled.

If this is working as intended, I'd argue it might be nice to add a toggle for the dive mechanic. I think this mod is incredibly valuable for platformer/parkour projects, but the Dive mechanic in its current state is just unbalanced. I would love to be able to disable the Dive mechanic specifically (and potentially other individual features as well).