Update/backport to 1.18.2?
SamHammie opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Not so much an issue as it is a request,
I have a modpack that I've been building for 1.18.2 and would REALLY like to have Bing Bing Wahoo in the pack.
Currently the only 1.18.X version is just for 1.18 itself, and very few mods exist for just 1.18, so my hope here was that you'd consider making a 1.18.2 version of Bing Bing Wahoo and keep it minimally maintained, only pushing major bug fixes as needed, that way you won't need to put too much focus on an older version of Minecraft.
I tried (and failed) to use the 1.18 version on 1.18.2, as it told me that I need 1.18 to run the mod, and 1.18.2 is the version present. Trying to modify the fabric mod json file to remove the dependency for 1.18 led to a crash before initialization could complete with a similar issue stating the need for the 1.18 version of Minecraft.