Binnie's Mods

Binnie's Mods


The Upgrade path for the bronze compartment dead ends is this intended?

ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 1 comments


You can go from wood > copper > bronze

or wood > copper > bronze > iron > gold > diamond

Is the bronze compartment meant to be a dead end and not upgradable to diamond?


As you can read on wiki
and in code:

public void postInit() {
RecipeUtil recipeUtil = new RecipeUtil(Constants.CORE_MOD_ID);
final String ironGear = OreDictionary.getOres("gearIron").isEmpty() ? "ingotIron" : "gearIron";
final String goldGear = OreDictionary.getOres("gearGold").isEmpty() ? "ingotGold" : "gearGold";
final String diamondGear = "gemDiamond";
recipeUtil.addRecipe("compartment", Compartment.Compartment.get(1), "pcp", "cbc", "pcp", 'b', Items.BOOK, 'c', Blocks.CHEST, 'p', Blocks.STONE_BUTTON);
recipeUtil.addRecipe("compartment_copper", Compartment.CompartmentCopper.get(1), "pcp", "cbc", "pcp", 'b', Compartment.Compartment.get(1), 'c', "gearCopper", 'p', Blocks.STONE_BUTTON);
recipeUtil.addRecipe("compartment_bronze", Compartment.CompartmentBronze.get(1), "pcp", "cbc", "pcp", 'b', Compartment.CompartmentCopper.get(1), 'c', "gearBronze", 'p', Items.GOLD_NUGGET);
recipeUtil.addRecipe("compartment_iron", Compartment.CompartmentIron.get(1), "pcp", "cbc", "pcp", 'b', Compartment.CompartmentCopper.get(1), 'c', ironGear, 'p', Items.GOLD_NUGGET);
recipeUtil.addRecipe("compartment_gold", Compartment.CompartmentGold.get(1), "pcp", "cbc", "pcp", 'b', Compartment.CompartmentIron.get(1), 'c', goldGear, 'p', Items.EMERALD);
recipeUtil.addRecipe("compartment_diamond", Compartment.CompartmentDiamond.get(1), "pcp", "cbc", "pcp", 'b', Compartment.CompartmentGold.get(1), 'c', diamondGear, 'p', Items.EMERALD);

so it was the idea of developers.
You can do:
Wood > Copper > Bronze
Wood > Copper > Iron > Gold >Diamond