[Suggestion]: Please make the fact that Forge is no longer being supported more apparent on the mod page.
zenithBemusement opened this issue ยท 1 comments
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I was really looking forward to using this mod, but was confused because it seemed like the rain was concentrated in a tight cube around me. It was only after digging around through already closed issues that I discovered that the version I was on -- Forge 1.20.1 -- was no longer being supported, and that I wouldn't be able to use the documentation to fix this.
I will not fault you for choosing to stick to a single version (frankly it's the sane approach) but as it stands, it is very easy to stumble upon the unsupported version through the Prism launcher, resulting in a waste of time for everyone involved. A simple warning at the top of the page saying "Forge versions are no longer being actively supported" would be appreciated.