Barley is back? Or is this a bug?
Ozzuneoj opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Just looking for clarification because this is confusing.
I am running BoP and Serene Seasons, with Forge 1.16.5 - 36.1.0, along with Terraforged.
I found a field of Barley. When I break it I don't get anything, so I looked it up to figure out what it is for. The only thing I can find is that Barley was replaced with Tall Wheat a few months ago. So, I'm wondering if this field was generated in error? I was looking forward to making this land into a farm since there is so much of it, but if it is just a cosmetic plant or a glitch, then it isn't very useful.
Any update on what is going on with Barley and how to use it would be helpful. Thank you! :)