Biomes O' Plenty

Biomes O' Plenty


1.20.4 Fabric biomes_toggle.json being ignored during terrain generation in End on server.

handsome-steve opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What's the issue you encountered?

Pretty much what the title says.
In specific cannot for the love of god disable end_corruption.
Using Terrablender and all required mods as well as betterend.

How can the issue be reproduced?

Just download the mods. Run the server etc, modify the biomes_toggle.json and viola, still generates despite edits.


No response

Mod Version


Additional information

No response


If you're using another mod that affects End biome generation like BCLib, try it without that. Some mods tend to override biome generation for a given dimension, and pull all registered biomes into it without any regard for the individual mod's config.


Seems to be a plausible answer, problem is I'm running betterend and betternether, also after sifting through the logs, I saw that BCLIB seems to not be loading things properly in its current version, tried editing its biomes.json file but literally ignores that too.
Thanks for the reply <3