Biomes O' Plenty

Biomes O' Plenty


Placing Specific Block "Palm Hanging Sign"

EdenTheTism opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What's the issue you encountered?

So, no matter what world, or server or version this bug exist and anytime i place a Palm Hanging Sign, it immediately crashes the game, i'm not sure if its the same with every hanging sign in biomes o plenty but for certain palm type
Version. 1.21.1

How can the issue be reproduced?

Grab the item "Palm Hanging Sign" and place it anywhere


Mod Version

Additional information

The game crashed whilst unexpected error
Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid block entity biomesoplenty:hanging_sign // biomesoplenty.block.HangingSignBlockEntityBOP state at class_2338{x=58, y=16, z=-65}, got Block{biomesoplenty:palm_wall_hanging_sign}[facing=north,waterlogged=false]


just tested this with minecraft version 1.21.1 and fabrick version 0.16.9. All the added woods from biomes o plenty can craft the hanging signs but when you try to place any of the new wood signs the game client will instantly crash. It's not only with the palm signs.