Ebony trees from MineFantasy
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MineFantasy added new WorldGen called Ebony trees that only spawn in "Forest" biomes. Author is being recalcitrant: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/minefantasy/forum/bug-reporting/55782-ebony-trees-spawn-biomes/
Is there anyway to have BOP support Ebony Tree worldgen without author's cooperation?
If the author doesn't give any support for biome mods, i see no reason to support his mod especially considering he chose to use an API specifically designed for mods to be compatible with each other. We added BiomeDictionary support for cases such as this, and if he choses not to support it, then his tough shit really.
He also needs to realise, there's only 4 world gen mods that are widely used, not 20 billion. BOP, EBXL, BWG4 and Highlands.