Silty grass block texture
Opened this issue · 14 comments
The top side of the silty grass block looks exactly the same as the vanilla grass block. Can you change that?
Why is the dirt texture different but the grass the same, though? It’s confusing.
And it’s a different type of grass too, but the texture is the same.
I’m complaining about this because in my playthrough, I have multiple kinds of grass around my base, and they all look the same from the top. It’s a minor issue, but I still think that the contrast of Biomes o’ Plenty’s grass block should be slightly changed, which would be far from a difficult task.
If they all look the same from the top, what's the big deal? I don't want the tops to be different personally, as it's really just meant to be the dirt that's different.
But like I said, you can change the texture yourself if you really want to.
It uses a separate grass top texture in our files that's just the exact same as the vanilla texture. You can change it in the model file to use a different texture if you want though.
Oh, I see. I wish that were clearer on GitHub.
Anyway, I don’t understand his or her reasoning, but all right, then.
Oh, I didn’t notice, nor did I know what it meant.
That’s beside the emoji icon, by the way, not his username.
Yeah, Member means a member of the org, Collaborator means they have access to the repo, and Contributor means that they have contributed.