Possible to remove igloos?
HellishINC opened this issue ยท 13 comments
I see that in the link from the wiki on "xxxPerChunk" section you can disable biome specific generation such as desert water wells. Would it be possible to also disable igloos?
On a semi-unrelated request, would it also be possible to disable ravines using BT? I know you said in #51 that it would not be since they are not biome specific but then neither are strongholds or villages. Reason I ask is because no mod that disabled these seems to work with BT (or any world gen modifying mods, like geographycraft).
Villages and strongholds actually are biome specific. Ravines still are not, though it would be possible through ASM. I may consider adding the feature in future update.
Currently you cannot disable igloos. They are linked with swamp huts and desert pyramids as "scattered features". I can add this in a future update. To add to the bad news, school is particularly heavy right now, so it might be a while.
Perhaps seeing how DarkHax does it (note the mod seems incompatible with BT) might be of use?
I can only guess it applies it before your mod. I have found igloos and ravines with both installed.
So BiomeTweaker nullifies the changes done by the other mod? Have you noticed any over incompatibilities?
Well, I'm using BT to specifically generate a cold biome only world. It's possible other functionality also is incompatible but I'd have to do further specific testing. I can do so later or perhaps tomorrow.
Turns out igloos will have to be ASM based as well. This is to ensure compatibility with all mod structures. I'm working on this feature now.
Give the new feature a try and let me know. It was added to the set command.
coldBiomes.set("genScatteredFeatures", false)
I've been looking for this as well, so did a quick test with the latest jenkins build and it seems to be working great. I created a world with a jungle temple, added the above set command to a script and re-created the world and the temple was removed.