Failed to parse arguments for command registerGenBlockRep()
donqixot opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I am using MC 1.11.2, forge, BiomeTweaker-1.11.2-3.1.304, BiomeTweakerCore-1.11.2-1.0.18, GalacticraftCore-1.11.2-, Galacticraft-Planets-1.11.2-
I have this script:
mars = forBiomes("biometweaker:MarsPlus")
mars.set("name", "Mars Plus")
myBlock = forBlock("galacticraftplanets:mars")
myBlock.setProperty("basictypemars", "mars_stone")
mars.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:stone", myBlock, 1)
I am getting
[SuperScript]: Failed to parse arguments for command registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:stone", myBlock, 1). It will be ignored.
For comparison, when I replace last line with this:
it works and I can see in json file for new biome that filler block was added. Is there something different I have to do for registerGenBlockRep()? I tried this:
mars.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:stone", "galacticraftplanets:mars[basictypemars\u003dmars_stone]", 1)
still same error.
Why are you adding a 1 at the end of mars.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:stone", myBlock, 1)
? If that's supposed to be metadata, you handle that by setting properties.
I am following your wiki
taigaBiome.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:stone", "minecraft:sandstone", 1)
That's an old command. I'll ask again, why are you adding the 1? Do you even know that that was for? The new documentation does not tell you to add that.
I found closed issue #134. It looks like proper format is
mars.registerGenBlockRep(1, "minecraft:stone", myBlock)
You may want to update your wiki.
The documentation for that command hasn't been updated because the new block objects are still technically in beta. I suppose I'll do it soon since I haven't seen any issues with them.
Also, in section "What's New in 2.0.152?" in On-the-Topic-of-Block-Replacement, I see this syntax:
allBiomes.registerGenBlockRep(3, "minecraft:stone", "minecraft:sandstone", 1)
What does it mean? If weight is first argument, then what is the forth argument?
BiomeTweaker changes a lot between versions. When you see version 2.0.x, and we're currently on 3.1.x, it's a pretty safe bet nearly everything has changed. That fourth argument used to be metadata.