"topBlock", "fillerBlock" can not be replaced with other blocks.
RealLith opened this issue ยท 2 comments
running latest 1.12.2 BiomeTweakre and BiomeTweakerCore.
Im trying to change a top and filler block to another modded blocks. I tried multiple ways.
allBiomes = forAllBiomes()
allBiomes.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:sand", "primal:ortho_stone")
allBiomes = forAllBiomes()
allBiomes.set("topBlock", "fillerBlock", "primal:ortho_stone")
allBiomes.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:sand", "primal:ortho_stone")
instead of "allBiomes = forAllBiomes()" i tried using "desert = forBiomes(2)
hills = forBiomes(17)
river = forBiomes(7)" and for everyone of them i used 1st and 2nd method.
None worked. I have a desert world. I used the same script for a desert world that your wiki holds " https://github.com/superckl/BiomeTweaker/wiki/Example-Scripts " just so i could learn this mod and make my own stuff.
I dont know if its me doing something wrong or mod. It would be awesome to get some information about this.
I figured it out. I needed to use:
allBiomes.set("topBlock", "primal:ortho_stone")
allBiomes.set("fillerBlock", "primal:ortho_stone")
allBiomes.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:stone", "primal:ortho_stone")
allBiomes.set("actualFillerBlock", "primal:ortho_stone")
So it was my problem not mods.
But quick question, how do i disable random water patches/pools from spawning? oceans are dry, rivers are dry but sometimes little lava and water pools will generate. how to disable that?
They both have options for "LAKE" and "LAVA". Figure out what works for you.