Cannot generate Botania Flowers with cluster decorations
GunmetalGears opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I'm using Minecraft version 1.12.2, with Forge version, and BiomeTweaker version 3.1.
I'm trying to use BiomeTweaker's cluster decoration system to spawn Botania's Pure Daisies. However, I cannot for the life of me get it to spawn the actual Pure Daisy block. I can only get it to spawn an invalid Botania flower, which is a generic botania:specialflower block.
Here is my script:
In the line that designates the variant as 'puredaisy,' I've tried subtile_id and type in place of the word 'variant.' None of these work.
I'm not sure how Botania handles it's flowers. You'll have to ask Vazkii if the flowers can be set through the usual blockstate system. I have a feeling it's a bit more complicated.