


[1.7.10] .set Color(s) not applying

MrBloodowrth opened this issue ยท 2 comments



//If true, BiomeTweaker will generate separate files for each biome when creating the status report.
"separate files":true,
//If true, BiomeTweaker will attempt to retrieve it's listing from NotEnoughMods to perform a version check.
"version check":false,
//If true, BiomeTweaker will only perform ASM changes necessary for it to function.
//Tweaks such as color overrides and block replacement may not work in certain biomes.
//You can enable this if you are having issues with compatibility.
"enable light asm":false,
//Enable this if you want BiomeTweaker to force topBlock and fillerBlock overrides in most biomes.
//This is done by using ASM to strip some assignments that happen in the "genTerrainBlocks" method. This will not work for all biomes.
//This WILL cause issues where some biomes will have incorrect top and filler blocks if you do not override them (Extreme Hills (M), Mutated Savannah, Taiga).
//light ASM must be disabled for this to have any effect.
"remove late block assignments":false,
//This can be used to specify biome classes BiomeTweaker should not touch with ASM. You can find the class for a biome in the output files.
//You should only be using this if you understand what ASM is, and you know the issue it is causing.
"asm blacklist":[],
//An array of tweak files to include. An example tweak file is created along with this configuration file.



All biomes

This variable contains all registered biomes from all dimensions.

allBiomes = forAllBiomes()

Overworld biomes

These variables should contain all Overworld biome IDs.

overworldBiomes = forAllBiomesExcept(8, 9, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 194, 195)

Nether biomes

These variables should contain all Nether biome IDs.

netherBiomes = forBiomes(8, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120)

End biomes

These variables should contain all End biome IDs.

endBiomes = forBiomes(9, 121)

Ocean biomes

These variables should contain all oceanic biome IDs.

oceanBiomes = forBiomes(0, 24, 99, 100)

Land biomes

These variables should contain all land biome IDs.

Uses forAllBiomesExcept() which means the actual ID parameters should be

the same oceanic biome IDs used for oceanBiomes above.

landBiomes = forAllBiomesExcept(0, 24, 99, 100)

Vanilla biomes

Each vanilla biome has its own variable, should you need to reference it.

vanillaOcean = forBiomes(0)
vanillaPlains = forBiomes(1)
vanillaDesert = forBiomes(2)
vanillaExtremeHills = forBiomes(3)
vanillaForest = forBiomes(4)
vanillaTaiga = forBiomes(5)
vanillaSwampland = forBiomes(6)
vanillaRiver = forBiomes(7)
vanillaHell = forBiomes(8)
vanillaSky = forBiomes(9)
vanillaFrozenOcean = forBiomes(10)
vanillaFrozenRiver = forBiomes(11)
vanillaIcePlains = forBiomes(12)
vanillaIceMountains = forBiomes(13)
vanillaMushroomIsland = forBiomes(14)
vanillaMushroomIslandShore = forBiomes(15)
vanillaBeach = forBiomes(16)
vanillaDesertHills = forBiomes(17)
vanillaForestHills = forBiomes(18)
vanillaTaigaHills = forBiomes(19)
vanillaExtremeHillsEdge = forBiomes(20)
vanillaJungle = forBiomes(21)
vanillaJungleHills = forBiomes(22)
vanillaJungleEdge = forBiomes(23)
vanillaDeepOcean = forBiomes(24)
vanillaStoneBeach = forBiomes(25)
vanillaColdBeach = forBiomes(26)
vanillaBirchForest = forBiomes(27)
vanillaBirchForestHills = forBiomes(28)
vanillaRoofedForest = forBiomes(29)
vanillaColdTaiga = forBiomes(30)
vanillaColdTaigaHills = forBiomes(31)
vanillaMegaTaiga = forBiomes(32)
vanillaMegaTaigaHills = forBiomes(33)
vanillaExtremeHillsPlus = forBiomes(34)
vanillaSavanna = forBiomes(35)
vanillaSavannaPlateau = forBiomes(36)
vanillaMesa = forBiomes(37)
vanillaMesaPlateauF = forBiomes(38)
vanillaMesaPlateau = forBiomes(39)
vanillaSunflowerPlains = forBiomes(129)
vanillaDesertM = forBiomes(130)
vanillaExtremeHillsM = forBiomes(131)
vanillaFlowerForest = forBiomes(132)
vanillaTaigaM = forBiomes(133)
vanillaSwamplandM = forBiomes(134)
vanillaIcePlainsSpikes = forBiomes(140)
vanillaJungleM = forBiomes(149)
vanillaJungleEdgeM = forBiomes(151)
vanillaBirchForestM = forBiomes(155)
vanillaBirchForestHillsM = forBiomes(156)
vanillaRoofedForestM = forBiomes(157)
vanillaColdTaigaM = forBiomes(158)
vanillaMegaSpruceTaiga = forBiomes(160)
vanillaRedwoodTaigaHills = forBiomes(161)
vanillaExtremeHillsPlusM = forBiomes(162)
vanillaSavannaM = forBiomes(163)
vanillaSavannaPlateauM = forBiomes(164)
vanillaMesaBryce = forBiomes(165)
vanillaMesaPlateauFM = forBiomes(166)
vanillaMesaPlateauM = forBiomes(167)

bopAlps = forBiomes(40)
bopArctic = forBiomes(41)
bopBambooForest = forBiomes(42)
bopBayou = forBiomes(43)
bopBog = forBiomes(44)
bopBorealForest = forBiomes(45)
bopBrushland = forBiomes(46)
bopCanyon = forBiomes(47)
bopChaparral = forBiomes(48)
bopCherryBlossomGrove = forBiomes(49)
bopConiferousForest = forBiomes(50)
bopSnowyConiferousForest = forBiomes(51)
bopCrag = forBiomes(52)
bopDeadForest = forBiomes(53)
bopDeadSwamp = forBiomes(54)
bopDeciduousForest = forBiomes(55)
bopDenseForest = forBiomes(56)
bopEucalyptusForest = forBiomes(57)
bopFen = forBiomes(58)
bopFlowerField = forBiomes(59)
bopFrostForest = forBiomes(60)
bopFungiForest = forBiomes(61)
bopGarden = forBiomes(62)
bopGrassland = forBiomes(63)
bopGrove = forBiomes(64)
bopHeathland = forBiomes(65)
bopHighland = forBiomes(66)
bopJadeCliffs = forBiomes(67)
bopLandofLakes = forBiomes(68)
bopLavenderFields = forBiomes(69)
bopLushDesert = forBiomes(70)
bopLushSwamp = forBiomes(71)
bopMapleWoods = forBiomes(72)
bopMarsh = forBiomes(73)
bopMeadow = forBiomes(74)
bopMoor = forBiomes(75)
bopMountain = forBiomes(76)
bopMysticGrove = forBiomes(77)
bopOminousWoods = forBiomes(78)
bopOrchard = forBiomes(79)
bopOriginValley = forBiomes(80)
bopOutback = forBiomes(81)
bopPrairie = forBiomes(82)
bopRainforest = forBiomes(83)
bopRedwoodForest = forBiomes(84)
bopSacredSprings = forBiomes(85)
bopSeasonalForest = forBiomes(86)
bopShield = forBiomes(87)
bopShrubland = forBiomes(88)
bopSludgepit = forBiomes(89)
bopSteppe = forBiomes(90)
bopTemperateRainforest = forBiomes(91)
bopThicket = forBiomes(92)
bopTropicalRainforest = forBiomes(93)
bopTundra = forBiomes(94)
bopWasteland = forBiomes(95)
bopWetland = forBiomes(96)
bopWoodland = forBiomes(97)
bopXericShrubland = forBiomes(98)
bopCoralReef = forBiomes(99)
bopKelpForest = forBiomes(100)
bopTropics = forBiomes(101)
bopVolcano = forBiomes(102)
bopMangrove = forBiomes(103)
bopAlpsForest = forBiomes(104)
bopCanyonRavine = forBiomes(105)
bopGlacier = forBiomes(106)
bopLandofLakesMarsh = forBiomes(107)
bopMeadowForest = forBiomes(108)
bopOasis = forBiomes(109)
bopQuagmire = forBiomes(110)
bopScrubland = forBiomes(111)
bopSeasonalForestClearing = forBiomes(112)
bopSilkglades = forBiomes(113)
bopSpruceWoods = forBiomes(114)
bopCorruptedSands = forBiomes(115)
bopPhantasmagoricInferno = forBiomes(116)
bopBoneyard = forBiomes(117)
bopVisceralHeap = forBiomes(118)
bopUndergarden = forBiomes(119)
bopPolarChasm = forBiomes(120)
bopSpectralGarden = forBiomes(121)
bopLushRiver = forBiomes(122)
bopDryRiver = forBiomes(123)

tcTaintedLand = forBiomes(192)
tcMagicalForest = forBiomes(193)
tcEerie = forBiomes(194)
tcEldritch = forBiomes(195)

Icy overworld biomes

These variables should contain all ICY overworld biome IDs.

vanillaIcyOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(11, 12, 13, 26, 30, 31, 140, 158)
bopIcyOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(40, 41, 51, 60, 104, 106)

Cool overworld biomes

These variables should contain all COOL overworld biome IDs.

vanillaCoolOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(0, 3, 5, 19, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 131, 133, 160, 161, 162)
bopCoolOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(72, 94)

Warm overworld biomes

These variables should contain all WARM overworld biome IDs.

vanillaWarmOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(1, 4, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 129, 132, 134, 149, 151, 155, 156, 157)
bopWarmOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 114, 122, 123)
tcWarmOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(192, 193)

Desert overworld biomes

These variables should contain all DESERT overworld biome IDs.

vanillaDesertOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(2, 17, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 130, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167)
bopDesertOverworldBiomes = forBiomes(42, 46, 70, 81, 93, 101, 102, 109, 111)

Add all Overworld biomes to the biome pool with a default weight of 1.

This needs to appear BEFORE biome weights are set.

vanillaIcyOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("ICY", 1)
vanillaCoolOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("COOL", 1)
vanillaWarmOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("WARM", 1)
vanillaDesertOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("DESERT", 1)

bopIcyOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("ICY", 1)
bopCoolOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("COOL", 1)
bopWarmOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("WARM", 1)
bopDesertOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("DESERT", 1)

tcWarmOverworldBiomes.addToGeneration("WARM", 1)

Biome weights

Controls how frequently biomes are generated.

You may change the weights to whatever you want.

Weights must be non-negative integers.

vanillaBeach.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaBirchForest.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaBirchForestHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaBirchForestHillsM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaBirchForestM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaColdBeach.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaColdTaiga.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaColdTaigaHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaColdTaigaM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaDeepOcean.set("genWeight", 2)
vanillaDesert.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaDesertHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaDesertM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaExtremeHills.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaExtremeHillsM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaExtremeHillsPlus.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaExtremeHillsPlusM.set("genWeight", 2)
vanillaFlowerForest.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaForest.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaForestHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaFrozenRiver.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaIceMountains.set("genWeight", 2)
vanillaIcePlains.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaIcePlainsSpikes.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaJungle.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaJungleEdge.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaJungleEdgeM.set("genWeight", 2)
vanillaJungleHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaJungleM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaMegaSpruceTaiga.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaMegaTaiga.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaMegaTaigaHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaMesa.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMesaBryce.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMesaPlateau.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMesaPlateauF.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMesaPlateauFM.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMesaPlateauM.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMushroomIsland.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaMushroomIslandShore.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaOcean.set("genWeight", 2)
vanillaPlains.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaRiver.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaRoofedForest.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaRoofedForestM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaSavanna.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaSavannaM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaSavannaPlateau.set("genWeight", 6)
vanillaSavannaPlateauM.set("genWeight", 2)
vanillaStoneBeach.set("genWeight", 1)
vanillaSunflowerPlains.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaSwampland.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaSwamplandM.set("genWeight", 4)
vanillaTaiga.set("genWeight", 10)
vanillaTaigaHills.set("genWeight", 8)
vanillaTaigaM.set("genWeight", 4)

bopAlps.set("genWeight", 5)
bopArctic.set("genWeight", 5)
bopBambooForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopBayou.set("genWeight", 5)
bopBog.set("genWeight", 5)
bopBorealForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopBrushland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopCanyon.set("genWeight", 5)
bopChaparral.set("genWeight", 5)
bopCherryBlossomGrove.set("genWeight", 5)
bopConiferousForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSnowyConiferousForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopCrag.set("genWeight", 5)
bopDeadForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopDeadSwamp.set("genWeight", 5)
bopDeciduousForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopDenseForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopEucalyptusForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopFen.set("genWeight", 5)
bopFlowerField.set("genWeight", 5)
bopFrostForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopFungiForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopGarden.set("genWeight", 5)
bopGrassland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopGrove.set("genWeight", 5)
bopHeathland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopHighland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopJadeCliffs.set("genWeight", 5)
bopLandofLakes.set("genWeight", 5)
bopLavenderFields.set("genWeight", 5)
bopLushDesert.set("genWeight", 5)
bopLushSwamp.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMapleWoods.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMarsh.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMeadow.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMoor.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMountain.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMysticGrove.set("genWeight", 5)
bopOminousWoods.set("genWeight", 5)
bopOrchard.set("genWeight", 5)
bopOriginValley.set("genWeight", 5)
bopOutback.set("genWeight", 5)
bopPrairie.set("genWeight", 5)
bopRainforest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopRedwoodForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSacredSprings.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSeasonalForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopShield.set("genWeight", 5)
bopShrubland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSludgepit.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSteppe.set("genWeight", 5)
bopTemperateRainforest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopThicket.set("genWeight", 5)
bopTropicalRainforest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopTundra.set("genWeight", 5)
bopWasteland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopWetland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopWoodland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopXericShrubland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopCoralReef.set("genWeight", 5)
bopKelpForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopTropics.set("genWeight", 5)
bopVolcano.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMangrove.set("genWeight", 5)
bopAlpsForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopCanyonRavine.set("genWeight", 5)
bopGlacier.set("genWeight", 5)
bopLandofLakesMarsh.set("genWeight", 5)
bopMeadowForest.set("genWeight", 5)
bopOasis.set("genWeight", 5)
bopQuagmire.set("genWeight", 5)
bopScrubland.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSeasonalForestClearing.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSilkglades.set("genWeight", 5)
bopSpruceWoods.set("genWeight", 5)

tcTaintedLand.set("genWeight", 5)
tcMagicalForest.set("genWeight", 5)

Set the biome size for the "Realistic" world type

Default is 4; Large Biomes is 6

Tweaker.setAverageBiomeSize("RTG", 4)

Set the biomes that players can spawn in

By default, players may spawn in any land biome.

You may use any of the variables above to set spawn biomes.

For example:

vanillaFlowerForest.set("isSpawnBiome", true)

overworldBiomes.set("isSpawnBiome", true)

vanillaIcyOverworldBiomes.set("isSpawnBiome", false)

oceanBiomes.set("isSpawnBiome", false)
landBiomes.set("isSpawnBiome", true)

Remove biomes from generation

River biomes must be removed here, but they will still generate.



Biome Colors

tcTaintedLand.set("color", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("Grass Color", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("Foliage Color", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("Water Color", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("skyColor", 10964349)


Relevant console output:

[13:54:25] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweaker]: Attempted to set property Grass Color but corresponding property was not found for biomes. Value: 10964349 [13:54:25] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweaker]: Attempted to set property Foliage Color but corresponding property was not found for biomes. Value: 10964349 [13:54:25] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweaker]: Attempted to set property Water Color but corresponding property was not found for biomes. Value: 10964349 [13:54:25] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweaker]: Attempted to set property skyColor but corresponding property was not found for biomes. Value: 10964349 [13:54:25] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker]: Generating biome status report...


I told you to change the end to

#Biome Colors
tcTaintedLand.set("color", 10964349) 
tcTaintedLand.set("grassColor", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("foliageColor", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("waterColor", 10964349)
tcTaintedLand.set("skyColor", 10964349)

Read carefully. The field names must match. Furthermore, skyColor isn't a field you can set in 1.7.10.


I see it now. I think the issue was I copied from the output file, witch uses that formatting.

{ "ID": 192, "Name": "Tainted Land", "Class": "", "Color": 10964349, "Root Height": 0.1, "Height Variation": 0.2, "Top Block": "minecraft:grass", "Filler Block": "minecraft:dirt", "Grass Color": "Not set. Check in-game.", "Foliage Color": "Not set. Check in-game.", "Water Color": "13373832", "Temperature": 0.5, "Humidity": 0.5, "Water Tint": 16777215, "Enable Rain": true, "Enable Snow": false, "Dictionary Types": [ "MAGICAL", "WASTELAND" ],