[BUG] Custom style packs with icons crash
IchHabeHunger54 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Are you using the latest MineColonies Verison?
- I am running the latest alpha version of MineColonies for my Minecraft version.
Did you check on the Wiki? or ask on Discord?
- I checked the MineColonies Wiki and made sure my issue is not covered there. Or I was sent from discord to open an issue here.
Minecraft Version
MineColonies Version
Structurize Version
Related Mods and their Versions
Forge: 43.1.1
BlockUI: 0.0.60-ALPHA
Domum Ornamentum: 1.0.59-ALPHA-universal
Multi-Piston: 1.2.16-ALPHA
Current Behavior
I am currently developing the Antique style pack and transitioned my style to the new build tool.
I changed my pack.json's icon (among other properties, such as the description and required mods list).
Now, whenever I try to change my build tool's style pack and scroll down to where my style would (supposedly) be, the game crashes.
Removing the custom icon fixes the issue.
I have also heard that the Cavern style currently faces the same issues, so I assume this is the case for all custom style packs.
Expected Behavior
Not to crash, and show the pack (including the icon) as you would expect.
Reproduction Steps
- Build something and scan it.
- Close your game. (Might not be necessary, but I did it in both cases I encountered this bug.)
- In your newly-created player style pack in the blueprints folder, in pack.json, set the icon to an image of your choosing (located in the same folder).
- Start the game and enter your world.
- Open the build tool UI.
- Click on Switch Pack and scroll down to your player-specific style pack. (I'd guess that if it crashes immediately, the pack already shows up at the top, I haven't encountered this myself though.)
- Observe how the game crashes.
Anything else?
The issue appears to be caused by the game loading the image path as a resource location instead of a path (as I highly doubt that the structurize:
prefix is supposed to be there).
It looks like the problem is that it doesn't like that you have a space in the name of your Minecraft instance. So you can probably workaround this by editing that out.
It does seem like a bug in the way it handles out-of-jar images, though. It likely needs to be using FolderPackResources
This is probably mostly a Structurize bug, rather than an mcol or BlockUI bug. Either BlockUI would need to provide a "render texture using direct Path
" option or (better) Structurize should make a FolderPackResources
with a custom namespace to represent the loose blueprints
folder and translate paths accordingly when converting them to ResourceLocation
It's a blockUI bug, we got a special ResourceLocation already with a custom namespace, but this one still maintains the regex but shouldn't
Still present on Minecol 1.0.995-ALPHA, Structurize 1.0.441-ALPHA and BlockUI 0.0.61-ALPHA, however with a different log: https://gist.github.com/IchHabeHunger54/05438b85b388f44977d36cea25ab32a1
Completely different issue @Raycoms