Pneumatic Tube metadata?
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Hey guys, so, I have a TON of different metadatas on my tubes and.. well.. its REALLY annoying that they wont stack...
can this be fixed?
Well, none of the multiparts had metadata at first. Now they do, so you should only have 2 types of tubes. The ones without meta can be fixed by just placing and breaking the tubes ^^
If you have more than 2 metadata values then... tell us... that shouldn't happen...
I exaggerated... I have two. Will let you know if I notice more.. I thought i might have but I only have two right now. Either way, I had to whine about it :P Irritating...
I know what's causing it, it happens as soon as we add parts in the next version, parts that are added in the registered partlist before tubes do. So tubes get an other index.. I've got an idea on how to solve it.