BluePower Item Detector block seems to not function after a while?
Tetsuoken opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I have done multiple tests on my world and the block has stopped functioning at all anywhere on the map. I created a new world and tested it and it works fine. Very odd.
Hmm, try to disable 'tube caching' in the tube options of the Blue Power config file, or try updating the network by placing and breaking an inventory next to a tube close to the item detector. I'm curious if that's causing it?
Tried disabling 'tube caching' and I've tried updating the network in game but neither seem to work.
Sorry for the long delays between replies... but it just popped in my mind: does it work again if you restart the world/server ? It could confirm a suspicion I'm having
Still nothing, items just pass through without the detector giving off a signal.
ohhh wait, you're saying the Item Detector does allow items to go through, it's just not giving of a signal??