Blue Power

Blue Power


[bug]Bluestone wire not powerig Redstone Lamp

Skyqula opened this issue · 7 comments


From left to right:

  • A coloured wire does not power the lamp dispite showing as connecting. Not expected.
  • A powered blue stone wire does not power the lamp. Not expected.
  • A powered wire running to a lamp powers the lamp. Expected.
  • A powered wire to a block does not power the block and therefor does not power the lamp. Expected.
  • A powered wire running on a block powers the block and powers the lamp. Expected.

This is very inconsistant behavoir showing 2 possible bugs: Blue stone wire on a redstone lamp not powering the lamp and coloured bluestone wire connecting but not powering the lamp.


It was intended for insulated wire to not output a signal, but it's already been changed in NewMultipart. Will be merged SOON ™️


Should now be fixed (as of c5bdf7c )


Bluestone is being rewritten as we speak.


If you don't mind me comment on this matter, I find it weird how you handle issues here. Why are you closing issues that are present and not yet fixed? Shouldn't they be kept open while you're working on them?


You are absolutely right, the issue is valid (and ongoing) and should remain open. However, a lot of these issue could easily be condensed into a 'bluestone doesn't work' issue. It was closed early because these issues won't be directly addressed and may or may not be valid once the rewrite has happened. I'm aware there is/will be a lot of interest soon and there are a lot of bugs to squash so issues like this will be invaluable once the current dev work is complete. In short, we know most things with the 'logic' part of the mod don't work as intended right now and there is a branch with a rewrite to solve those issues.


@copygirl I agree with you, however, bluestone is sooooooo bugged right now that I could write another 10 bug reports and might even find more. My gues is that they are aware that its bugged beyond usable and therefor close it with the comment: "Its being rewritten"


Ill wait for the next release/bluestone rewrite release before retesting it. No need to flood the issue tracker if its being rewritten.