Blue Power

Blue Power


[NoobProblem] I can't decompile the BluePower NewMultipart branch

CubeWrench202 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I don't know if you actually can do that, you should.
I successfully decompile the master branch of Bluepower and now i'm playing with the new red alloy ingot and the infused teslatite, however i wanna try the new multipart system, what i do is open the command console and type:
"gradlew build" , then the command is successfully runned and is making it job, however in the process of the command i get this error:
" Failure: build failed with an exception.
*What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for more details."


Known Issues

Various things work inconsistently when Forge Multipart is not installed.

Please supply a crashlog using pastebin! do not paste a crashlog directly in the issue! Also please try to reproduce your crash. It's possible that a crash only happened because of a quirk in the universe.

I think without crashlog noneone would help you ...

And dont forgot to install FMP, it doesnt install it automaticly i think


Dev branches are there because they are in-dev and not something we really support. If you can use it, great, if not then sorry but wait for a release ;)


Thanks quetzi.


And really , it doesnt install libs for some reason. Its saying in logs "downloadign lib .... ".
But classes from libs are missing for some reason, manyal install would help i think