[Suggestion] Paint all the tube shift-right clicking on it with a paint brush:
CubeWrench202 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Like the name says, when you paint a tube it just paint where you are right-clicking on because FMP, but shift right click in a tube to paint all the parts from it should be useful,
Looks to me like a good idea. Other opinions?
I can actually add this right now since I'm working on the new branch with the new tube coloring code. It shouldn't be too hard to do.
Ehhhh I don't actually see a use for this. In RP2 1 tube was all you needed too paint in order to set a painted objects path for sorting. 1-3 tubes maximum for defining a colored network and such. Seems like a great waste of dyes.
Don't see a use/need for it either, but also won't be too difficult to add although i could potentially see sneak click painting everything as an annoyance.
Yeah, that is the objective ; make of paint pneumatic tubes something not boring :P
Or just too cause some chaos on Forgecraft only too be later removed with all the devs laughing.