java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking player
Sailren opened this issue ยท 7 comments
this crash happened, when i held a gate in my hand and hovering over an already placed gate
Strange as the thing causing the player tick handling is coming from MiscUtils. Do you know if any mods in that modpack yer using require that mod as a library? Certainly isn't BP as it's only core dependency is QMunitylib.
The crash is indeed being caused by MiscUtils, because that case scenario that's shown above the MU calls shouldn't ever happen with vanilla BluePower+QLib. I will reinforce the null-checks so we are sure that can never happen, but I cannot assure it'll fix it
no problem, but weird that miscutils is causing it and bluepower+lib show up in crash report
A stack trace will always try too show you just how deep is the issue. It's why they're soo essential when bugs are found.
no idea, i removed the faulty mod, but i think yes, anyway my client is similar to ftb ultimate, not quite like ftb ressurection but yeah