world breaking crash v892
Crazy-KSK opened this issue ยท 5 comments
http://i.imgur.com/njE9Rz8.jpg I'm pretty sure the right wire is supposed to be powered?
break the stone
crash just after the screenshot http://pastebin.com/MpimU429
crash on trying to reload the world http://pastebin.com/LHNQ4MAA
I have the newest version available on curse forge 0.2.892 and yes the previous bug does not happen anymore on this version
Edit: its still happening in some cases, investigating
No, the wire is not supposed to be powered as a wire cannot be powered by another one unless they're connected directly.
That dupe bug is the same you reported yesterday and got fixed right after that (even you marked it as already being fixed before I could tell you), so just update BluePower and it should be fixed.
place 2 pieces of blue wire on a block and break it and it crashes with wire spew overload, one wire alone does not suffice
I'm on irc btw if that's more convenient