Wire model baking issues
sverinn opened this issue · 4 comments
What were you doing when the issue happened?
Loading minecraft instance
What did you expect to happen?
Proper loading
What happened instead
Console returns
Unable to bake model: 'bluepower:redalloy_wire#connected_back=false,connected_front=true,connected_left=false,connected_right=true,facing=up,powered=true': java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown property 'active' on 'Block{bluepower:redalloy_wire}'
and etc. Sometimes it freezes to death, sometimes it loads fine, but in any case it takes very long because of these errors being processed (like ~35k of them every launch).
Crashlog on pastebin/gist
Forge and Minecraft version
Minecraft: 1.14.4
Bluepower version and build number
Yes I'm working on an alternative for these due to how slow the vanilla multipart loader is with dynamic models, might just release a patch if it's going to take too long.
Update: it actually freezes only if Optifine is present. Without optifine, the game loads, it just takes a long time.
With optifine, following crash occurs:
Ok thanks, Yeah it's running out of ram, but I'm changing the way these are done, so will get a fix out soon.