incomplete set of tags received from server
leytilera opened this issue ยท 2 comments
What were you doing when the issue happened?
After leaving a server and rejoining it, it says "incomplete set of tags received from server". Without Bluepower everything works fine.
Java Debugger output
Render thread[1] # catch all java.lang.IllegalStateException
Render thread[1] # now continue until the right exception is hit
Exception occurred: java.lang.IllegalStateException (to be caught at: mezz.jei.load.PluginCaller.callOnPlugins(), line=28 bci=91)"thread=Render thread", net.minecraft.tags.TagRegistry$NamedTag.func_232944_c_(), line=131 bci=41
Render thread[1] dump this
this = {
defaults: null
defaulted: false
net.minecraft.tags.TagRegistry$NamedTag.field_232942_b_: null
net.minecraft.tags.TagRegistry$NamedTag.field_232941_a_: instance of net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation(id=62444)
Render thread[1] dump this.field_232941_a_
this.field_232941_a_ = {
field_240908_a_: instance of com.mojang.serialization.Codec$1(id=62445)
field_200118_c: instance of com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.SimpleCommandExceptionType(id=62446)
field_110626_a: "bluepower"
field_110625_b: "saw"
Forge and Minecraft version
1.16.4 - 35.1.37
Bluepower version and build number
Your using a very old version here but I've been unable to replicate this issue, please provide the full log file?