Blue Power

Blue Power


Project Red Ore Compatibility?

Flexico opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What were you doing when the issue happened?

Crafting Red Alloy / Blue Alloy ingots: Blue Power and Project Red ores/ingots are not compatible with each other, like Copper and Tin are

What did you expect to happen?

I expected Red Alloy / Blue Alloy / Electrotine / Teslatite to be cross-compatible via Forge libraries, but they're not!

What happened instead

Project: Red identifies Red Alloy Ingots as "forge:ingots" and "forge:ingots/red_alloy", but their Blue Alloy ingots are called "Electrotine Alloy" / "forge:ingots" and "forge:ingots/electrotine_alloy", so I suppose the different names for the blue dust could cause an issue -- though we all know they're both just off-brand Nikolite! XD

Full Log and Crashlog on pastebin/gist


Forge and Minecraft version

Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge 36.2.5

Bluepower version and build number
