[1.20.1] Sickle has no 3x3 function on nether's exoticism leaves, and doesn't use durability when breaking them
recursedev54 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
nethers_exoticism:kiwano_leaves, nethers_exoticism:rambutan_leaves nethers_exoticism:jaboticaba_leaves do not register as a valid block for the 3x3 mining feature of the sickle
expected sickle to area mine the leaves like they do on vanilla
one leaf block was mined at regular speed and no tool durability used
Hey There,
Sorry this seems to be an issue for nethers_exoticism as they aren't registering their leaves as BlockTag "leaves" and they don't extend the Vanilla LeavesBlock.
You should also be able to do this with Datapack, CraftTweaker or KubeJS if required.
Durability would be unchanged as is currently the same as hitting it with your hand.